In Afghanistan, the Taliban bans girls from universities

by time news – In Afghanistan the Taliban authorities have issued a indefinite ban of university education for girls. This was announced by the Ministry of Higher Education in a letter sent to all government and private universities in the country.

“We inform you to implement the aforementioned order to suspend girls’ education until further notice,” reads the letter signed by the Minister of Higher Education, Neda Mohammad Nadeem.


The Taliban security forces

Il new ban It comes less than three months after thousands of girls and women took college entrance exams across the country. For the girls, the access ban had already been taken secondary schools.

Returning to power in August 2021, the Taliban promised to be more flexible, but in fact they have largely returned to the ultra-strict interpretation of Islam which had marked their first period in power, between 1996 and 2001.

The liberticidal measures have multiplied particularly towards women who have been progressively excluded from public life and education. With a unexpected turnaroundThe Taliban closed secondary schools on March 23 just hours after their much-heralded reopening.

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