The process of submitting binding offers has been completed for the project “RESTORATION AND MODERNIZATION OF TOEB TAUROPOUS IRRIGATION NETWORKS” which will be implemented as a PPP project, with parallel financing from the Recovery Fund, part of the Water 2.0 program.

As announced by the Minister of Rural Development Costas Tsiaras, Deputy Minister Dionysis Stamenitis and Secretary General of Union Resources and Infrastructure Dimitris Papagiannidis, it was submitted, through ESIDIS, by the Union of Persons ACTOR CONCESSIONS S.A. – AVAX SA

It is the first PPP project in a series to be auctioned, and concerns the restoration and modernization of the irrigation networks of the Local Organization for Vascular Improvements (TOEB) of Tauropos with a budget of 105,400,000 (plus VAT) in terms of net present value with parallel funding of €34,200,000 from the Recovery Fund.

Statement by the Minister of Rural Development and Food Kostas Tsiaras: “The government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis, consistently and with a targeted program, is changing the image of the country. With the Tauropos project, we are creating irrigation infrastructure to ensure more favorable conditions for the sustainable development of the primary sector, in the heart of the Thessalian plain. In practice, the project will serve an area of ​​115,000 hectares, bringing multiple benefits to the region, which focus on reducing production costs and enhancing farmers’ income, ensuring food sufficiency, but also protecting the environment through saving water over a period where water resources are insufficient. Through the HYDOR 2.0 program, we are changing the irrigation map of the country and giving perspective to our agricultural production. The creation of modern infrastructure is the most efficient investment for the future, with significant benefits for citizens’ everyday life, but also economic development”.

Statement by Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance Nikos Papathanasis: “Along with the Public and Private Sector Partnerships that are underway throughout the country, with the aim of improving infrastructure and services that are directly related to the daily life of citizens, such as student residences, schools, waste management sites, we are accelerating the completion of important projects for the primary sector and supporting our farmers, such as irrigation infrastructure. The restoration and modernization of the irrigation networks of TOEB Tauropos, with funding from the Recovery Fund, is a typical example in this direction. We continue to implement our commitments, with initiatives that lead to a better Greece for everyone.”

Project Technical Characteristics

The Tauropos Irrigation Network Project concerns the study, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the underground closed irrigation network, which will serve an area of ​​115,000 acres.

The duration of the Partnership Agreement is twenty-five years including the construction time of the Project.

In summary, the scope of the Partnership Agreement concerns the implementation of the following:

• the central feeder, the primary and secondary irrigation network (distribution networks), with a total length of approximately 116 km,

• the third network, with a total length of approximately 685 km,

• the necessary E/M facilities and equipment for the correct operation of the network and finally,

• the interventions for the improvement / upgrading of the water extraction projects including a suitable device for removing debris at the entrance to the network.

The 1st Section of the Project, which includes the implementation of the third networks that are developed in 12 of the 24 irrigation sectors and consist of 39 sub-networks out of the total of 81 sub-networks that cover the entire irrigated area of ​​115,000 hectares, after the necessary H /M facilities and equipment for their proper operation, will be delivered complete and operational in a period of 16 to 18 months, while the entire project will be completed in a period of 30 months from the signing of the Project contract.

With all the above interventions under the responsibility of the General Secretariat of Union Resources and Infrastructure, an improvement in the competitiveness of the agricultural sector and mitigation of the effects of climate change is achieved.

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