In an attempt to reach an understanding on the subject of the legal revolution: Herzog meets with animals

by time news

The President of the Supreme Court Esther Hayut met with the President of the State Yitzhak Herzog in an attempt to reach an understanding on the subject of the legal revolution, as reported this morning (Tuesday) in Galz. Yariv Levin, which led to a widespread wave of criticism and demonstrations. As published in “Maariv”, the president has been holding a round of meetings with all the senior officials from both sides for two weeks, with the aim of calming the spirits in the public discourse and also with the aim of promoting dialogue on the legislative side and bringing about a compromise. In addition, Herzog is expected to meet today With opposition chairman Yair Lapid and later this week Hayut and Levin will meet to discuss the reform.

Hayut in a dramatic speech: “The Levin plan – a plan to crush the justice system”
“The differences are significant”: Herzog in his first reference to the reconciliation attempts

Last week, President Hayut delivered a scathing speech at the annual conference of the Association for Public Law against the legal plan promoted by Minister Levin, and warned that it changes Israel’s democratic identity and empties the court of all the tools with which it can protect the citizens of Israel.

Hayut claimed that “Cynically, the people behind the plan call it a plan to ‘correct’ the judicial system. And I say – it is a plan to crush the judicial system. It is intended to deal a fatal blow to the independence and independence of the judiciary and turn it into a silent authority,” and added that “conclusion This emerges both from the way the minister chose to present his plan and from its content and substance. There is no other way to understand the dramatic press conference that the minister chose to hold only a few days after taking office, in which he presented his plan for the first time.”

She further claimed that “judicial independence and independence are the lifeblood of the court, and without them Israeli judges will not be able to fulfill their role as public servants and its loyalists. This year the State of Israel will celebrate 75 years of independence as a Jewish and democratic state. This is an important milestone in the life of the state – but unfortunately, As long as the presented change plan is realized, the year 1975 will be remembered as the year in which the country’s democratic identity was dealt a fatal blow.”

According to her, Levin’s plan “seeks to take from the hands of the judges the legal tools they use to protect individual rights and the rule of law. The plan talks about a superseding clause that will deny the court the possibility to cancel laws that disproportionately harm constitutional human rights, including the right to life, property, Freedom of movement and privacy, as well as the fundamental right to dignity, and as a derivative of it – the right to equality, the right to freedom of expression, etc. The planned superseding clause gives the Knesset, with the support of the government, the power to enact laws that will harm these rights without hindrance. Therefore, anyone who thinks that the superseding clause “supersedes” the court is wrong In fact, it is about overcoming the human rights of each and every individual in Israeli society.”

On Sunday, Herzog referred to the division in the nation following the legal reform and the criticism of him by the protesters against the reform, and confirmed in fact that he is trying to bridge the gap between the parties.

In his remarks at the President’s House, Herzog said: “We are in the midst of a deep dispute that is tearing the nation apart. This conflict worries me very much, and worries a large public in Israel and the Diaspora. The foundations of Israeli democracy – including the judicial system – are sacred and we must guard them with all vigilance, even when debates take place and principled discussions on the relations between the authorities. I appreciate all the debaters, those involved, the protestors and the demonstrators, and the public’s involvement in this important discussion. I respect the criticism towards me, but I am currently focusing on two critical roles that I believe are incumbent on me as the president of the country at this time: to prevent a constitutional crisis historic and to stop the further division in the nation.”

President Herzog (Photo: Olivia Pitosi, Flash 90)

“The President’s House is perhaps the only place today that has the trust of all parties and is able to conduct litigation on the issue in a manner that is acceptable to all – both with open doors and with closed doors. For the past week, I have been working all the time, in every way, and with unceasing efforts with the relevant parties, with the aim of creating a dialogue and conversation Wide-ranging, attentive and respectful, which I hope will yield results. I honestly admit that I am not sure of the success of the move. There is good will on the part of the various parties who are responsible, but the road is still long and the gaps are significant,” he added.

In conclusion, he said that “the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Jewish and democratic outlines of our country are a candle to my feet, and I will not allow them to be harmed. We have a strong and diverse country and society, which have overcome many challenges in the past. I pledge that I will continue to act with all my might, and I hope that we can find the right way out Even from this difficult crisis.”

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