In an unusual move: Levy announced the convening of Knesset members

by time news
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The Knesset plenum will convene next Wednesday, in the middle of the Passover holiday, which will continue until after the national days, for a special discussion following the three murderous attacks in the past week in which 11 people were killed, in Be’er Sheva, Hadera and Bnei Brak.

Knesset Speaker Miki Levy, who decided to shorten his visit to the United States due to the security situation, agreed to accede to the Likud and Shas’ request to convene the recess for the special debate, which is expected to be full of criticism of the Bennett-Lapid government.

The Likud’s appeal came after a nightly meeting in the office of the head of the opposition, Benjamin Netanyahu, in his office in the Knesset, in which opposition center Yariv Levin and two important Knesset members in the Likud’s struggle in the government, Shlomo Kari and Amir Ohana, participated.

A letter sent by the chairman of the Likud faction, Yariv Levin, to the Speaker of the Knesset, Miki Levy, reads:

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