In Bavaria: super computer for artificial intelligence | Regional

by time news

Garching A computer that is said to be unique in the world is to process large amounts of data in Bavaria in the future.

The supercomputer CS-2, which was specially developed for artificial intelligence (AI) processes, was taken out of its transport box, which is around one meter high, at the Leibniz data center in Garching on Thursday.

Inside the computer: a processor roughly the size of a dinner plate with the highest computing power in the world according to the data center.

“The challenges of our time can only be met by analyzing huge amounts of data,” explained Bavaria’s Science Minister Markus Blume (CSU).

With the new AI superchip and one of the most powerful high-performance computers in Europe, the Leibniz data center, which celebrated its 60th anniversary on Thursday, is in the top league worldwide when it comes to processing big data.

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