In ‘Complottismi’ Toselli investigates conspiracy theories, from flat-earthers to rumors about covid

by time news

From the deniers of the moon landing to the flat-earthers, from the supporters of the authenticity of the elusive Protocols of the Elders of Zion to the Reptilians, to the latest theories and alleged revelations on the covid-19 pandemic: there is a thread that links all the conspiracy theories that have spread throughout history and that today, thanks to the social media amplifier, are even more known and difficult to eradicate and refute. The book ‘Complottismi’ by Paolo Toselli (Bibliographic Publishing) provides order in the mare magnum of rumors of every age.

Considered one of the greatest experts in urban legends, Toselli has been dealing with ‘frontier’ topics for decades. In 1990 he founded the Contemporary Voice and Legends Collection Center (CeRaVoLC) which today boasts a unique documentary archive. He has collaborated with various newspapers, television and radio. He is the author of numerous books including ‘The famous invasion of the flying vipers’ (1994 and 2018), ‘September 11: legends of war’ (2002) and ‘Stories of ordinary falsehood’ (2004).

In this agile and documented volume, the author delves into the tangle of the many conspiracy theories in which nothing seems to happen by chance, everything is connected and nothing is as it seems. In the background, mysterious groups of power that would decide the fate of the world, sometimes even in league with phantom alien creatures or demonic entities, in an increasingly confused and uncertain society. Toselli’s book therefore wants to shed light on the origins and dynamics of an unfounded and conspiratorial drift, fueled by mistrust in institutions and politics, as well as by the continuing distrust of science.

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