In dollars. These are the cheapest cars in Argentina and how they have moved in recent yearsBy Pablo Ortega

by archyves

The account of how much 0km is worth measured in dollars never loses relevance as a reference, but at certain moments it comes to the fore with force. After the December devaluation and the inflationary stampede, discussions about the price of things in Argentina once again gained momentum, and among them cars reappeared. How much are they today and where are they in comparison with recent years?

According to the latest official prices for February, There are no longer 0km left for less than $15.5 million in the local market, with the 10 cheapest moving between that figure and $18 million. The first on the list is Chevrolet Joy, which costs $15,593,900. At the current blue dollar ($1150 according to the price on Wednesday the 7th), the cheapest car in Argentina is today located at US$13.559the price at which a potential buyer takes out the account even when the automakers import the official dollar of $850.

Very close comes the Renault Sandero, which has a list price in February of $15,689,100, equivalent to US$13,642. He Fiat Cronosthe best-selling car on the local market in the last three years (10th in the ranking of the cheapest), Today the blue dollar costs US$15,723 ($18,081,700). In the three examples the entry-level version with less equipment is taken.

How much were those models worth in dollars a year ago? 30% less. In February 2023, the Chevrolet Joy had a list price of $4,260,900; the Renault Sandero, $4,231,200, and the Fiat Cronos, $4,099,200. To the blue dollar of that time ($373 on February 7), the Joy cost US$11,423; the Sandero, US$11,343, and the Cronos, US$10,990.

A year ago, however, the cheapest 0km in the ranking was the Citroën C3, which priced at blue cost US$9,312 (the entry version).

The Chevrolet Joy is the cheapest car in February

The same account can be done with pickups. The Toyota Hiluxthe best-selling in the country in its category, starts today in $32.306.000 (DX entry version with double cab), about US$28.092 al blue. The top of the range SRX is priced at $60,117,000, which US$52.275. A year ago, measured in dollars, they cost US$18.603 (a list price of $6,939,000) and US$43.796 ($16,336,000), respectively. Today, Toyota’s most affordable pickup costs 33% more in dollars and the top of the range, 16% more.

Other pickups followed the same route. The Volkswagen Amarok costs today in blue between US$29,691 and US$56,493 (starts at $34,144,810 and reaches $64,967,067 for the top of the range). A year ago, the entry version could be accessed by US$23.46721% less in dollars than today.

How the Toyota Hilux evolved in dollars in the last year
How the Toyota Hilux evolved in dollars in the last year

How car prices have moved in recent years

The current prices of 0km suffered the onslaught of last December’s devaluation and the inflationary jump, with increases of more than 50% in that month alone after the official dollar went from $350 to $820. But in historical comparison, they were well above the average measured in hard currency.

The cheapest vehicles generally moved between US$10,000 and US12,000 in recent decades in the years of regular supply, with the fluctuations that the movement of the dollar causes in an economy like Argentina and the specific circumstances of each moment. As an example, it is worth taking again the price of the Fiat Cronos, as it is the best-selling and nationally produced car.. Four years ago, in December 2019, the then entry-level version of the model made in Córdoba cost US$11.571 to the blue dollar of the moment ($74.9). In December 2020, the same car could be purchased for US$7,783 (the parallel dollar was quoted at $160.4), and in December 2021, for US$10.963 gone to blue. Always, taking into account the official prices, which in many cases became more expensive at dealerships due to lack of stock and delays in deliveries.

A clarification is in order before continuing: the 2020 numbers are out of range due to the anomaly generated by the pandemic. That year, the parallel exchange rate rose 115% and the inflation recorded was 36.1%, which explains the sharp drop in 0km measured in dollars.

In December 2022, a Cronos cost the equivalent of US$11.190 (the blue was trading at $342). And in December 2023, after the devaluation and with a list price of $14,582,000, it jumped in dollars to US$14.226 (blue of $1025 at the end of the year).

Inflation continued to add fuel to prices in January and February, and Today the cheapest cars do not go below US$13,500.

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