in Genoa the shots that tell

by time news

2023-04-21 16:24:52


From April 21 at Palazzo Grillo the photos of Alessio Romenzi and Christian Tasso tell the commitment of the organization in Ukraine, Yemen, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Iraq, Lebanon

Cos come The thin red line by Terence Malick had drawn a thin line (in that case red) around the monstrosity of war (the 1998 film), the exhibition The thin line in turn he frames the humanitarian emergencies of Ukraine, Yemen, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Iraq and Lebanon with the photographs of Alessio Romenzi (1974) and Christian Tasso (1986). But the exhibition that opens on April 21 in Genoa, at Palazzo Grillo, also offers that hope which was missing in Malick’s film, but which in Romenzi and Tasso’s photographs comes from the direct testimony of the field commitment of Intersos, the humanitarian organization (born in 1992) which has always been active in those emergencies.

With the eye of the war photojournalist (Romenzi) or with a poetic roughness (Tasso), each in his own way tells (in black and white or in color) difficult and painful contexts in which war, poverty, violence, extreme poverty, natural disasters coexist. Different countries, thousands of kilometers apart, but united by emergency situations in which Intersos has been involved for some time. A line that directs individual destinies and hopes, drawing the line between who will find help and who won’t, between who will have hope for a future and who won’t be able to get it.

a journey through physically distant places that lead back to a common suffering: the Ukraine of rubble and bullet-riddled buses; the Afghanistan of desolate roads, cold and hunger; the Yemen of drought and the sick; Nigeria without water and without food; the Lebanon of houses destroyed by bombing. Of this painful itinerary, Romenzi and Tasso always manage to bring hope back to the fore. An often small hope, hidden in the gaze of a boy, in a child’s game, in the effort of a man to fetch water from a well, in the gesture of a woman, in a newborn in a hospital bed. Looks, games, efforts and gestures that the images of the two photographers implacably capture and which coincide with the activity of Intersos.

The Genoa exhibition (which with the solo show dedicated to Letizia Battaglia Joy Battle. It’s me which opens on Saturday 29 April at Palazzo Ducale is reconfirmed as one of the capitals of photography) bears witness to the central role of photography in the representation of the present and the future. But also in the re-definition of the idea of ​​hope.The Lodi Festival of Ethical Photography, for example, every year puts photography in the foreground as a social commitment, as evidence of a reality and a society undergoing mutation, starting from man with his small and big stories, with his small and big hopes.

In the images of Romenzi and Tasso, already coupled in the exhibition that at the Maxxi in Rome had celebrated the thirty years of activity of Intersos (October-November 2022), you can find so many questions, but also so many answers.There is the idea of ​​an ethical photograph that takes shape directly from first-hand experiences, in the last refugee camp in Iraq as in the Nigerian one of Gubio.

A visual investigation is therefore staged at Palazzo Grillo that unites both (albeit from different paths and with different styles) in the representation of a humanity constantly put to the test,but who also knows how to rediscover the path of hope: the hope that is hidden in the book that an Afghan girl proudly holds in her hand, in the sandals with which a small refugee from Maiduguri tramples a large puddle of water. Timeless, placeless gestures that trace the (thin) line where the future manages to go beyond pain.

April 21, 2023 (change April 21, 2023 | 16:20)

#Genoa #shots

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