In German classrooms – soldiers are supposed to enlighten students about Putin’s war – domestic politics

by time news

Bundeswehr experts are supposed to explain Russia’s war in Ukraine and the consequences for Europe to children – in their classrooms.

Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (53, FDP) demands this. “It is important that the Russian attack on Ukraine and the consequences for Germany and Europe are also addressed in school lessons in an age-appropriate manner,” she told BILD.

Teachers should get “the support of the youth officers” for this.

Specifically means: Teachers should invite the Bundeswehr experts to the schools, who then work through the Ukraine war and open questions in an age-appropriate manner.

According to Stark-Wartzinger, a classification is needed, especially with a view to social media and disinformation, “which also addresses the concerns and fears of the students”. The experts from the Bundeswehr are therefore “an enrichment for teaching right now”.

Photo: Ufuk Ucta

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Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger at the beginning of February on BILD LivePhoto: Ufuk Ucta

The youth officers are part of the troop’s public relations work and, as experienced experts, are supposed to educate the population and, above all, schoolchildren about “the challenges of an alliance-oriented security policy”, according to the website of the armed forces. There are 94 full-time junior officers. They do not serve to attract new recruits.

However, the minister sees this not only as an educational mandate, but also as appreciation for our Bundeswehr soldiers and their expertise. Stark-Watzinger: “Especially in these times. After all, they are citizens in uniform.”

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