In Germany, the extremes demonstrate alone against inflation and the energy crisis

by time news

“On one side, the left parties with their red flags; on the other, the green and white pennants of the [groupuscule] ‘Free Saxe’” : in Leipzig, militants of the radical left and sympathizers of the far right demonstrated on Monday, September 5, against the energy policy of the German government, relates The time. Waving signs in favor of “la taxation des superprofits” and of “the nationalization of the energy giants”, they marched not far from the city’s central station, where the anti-Islam movement Pegida and opponents of health measures met in the past.

But the great social movement expected by the German press for weeks has not taken shape. Contrary to the predictions of many political commentators, the extremes “did not merge into a large opposition front”, analyse The world. On

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