in Hénin-Beaumont, Marine Le Pen sends Macron and Mélenchon back to back

by time news

During Marine Le Pen’s speech in Hénin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais), Sunday June 5, there was a barely subliminal message, written in italics on her desk. The National Rally (RN) is “the only opposition to Macron”, could we read, suggesting that the challenge of the legislative elections of June 12 and 19, for the far-right party, is to outdo Jean-Luc Mélenchon, self-proclaimed first opponent of the Head of State, who counts always be done “Elect Prime Minister” if the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) wins the election.

The message became more explicit when Mme Le Pen took the floor, seeing in the leader of La France insoumise (LFI) a “old socialist senator” who “wants to be elected without being a candidate”as in “the regimes it supports”. She also denounced the “complacency of La France insoumise, even its complicity, with Emmanuel Macron, whom it helped to get re-elected” – by not speaking out against him in the inter-rounds of the presidential election. About LFI, guilty in his eyes of “appeasement with the Islamists”, she judged that no one “cannot want such a coalition of malfeasance for his country”.

“Mass Blow”

The former candidate for the Elysee returned back to back MM. Macron and Melenchon: “One defends the top predators, the other the bottom predators; one is based on [le cabinet de conseil] McKinsey, the other on estates. » She had started her speech by targeting the Head of State, instigator in her eyes of a “system that does not hold by its results but by the fear maintained”. She denounced that the “fuel cost” has become a “mass blow”due to a “energy crisis [que M. Macron] provokes with ill-calibrated sanctions against Russia”. She insisted on the ” shame “ of the legislative voting system, which does not include a proportional share, which the promoters assure that it allows the country’s opinion to be better represented.

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The boss of the RN also attacked the Minister of Education, Pap Ndiaye, a target of the far right since his appointment, calling him a “indigenous minister, and even racialist”, and leaving the crowd booing at his mention.

By his muscular words, Mme Le Pen tried to mobilize his troops. A week before the first round of the legislative elections, the presidential finalist held, in the city led by her party in the person of Steeve Briois, her first public campaign meeting, after having visited seven departments to support candidates.

The one who gathered 41.5% of the votes in the second round of the presidential election seems to take the victory of Mr. Macron’s camp for granted. On May 10, she surprised her followers, on TF1, by admitting to losing in advance, due to the “majority fact” of the Ve Republic. The far-right official had even refused, at the start, to put forward a figure on the number of possible elected officials. In 2017, the RN had only obtained eight deputies, although Mme Le Pen totaled nearly 34% of the votes in the second round of the presidential election. The RN fears, more than other formations, the abstention of its sympathizers, working classes and young people in mind, which had cost it dearly at the regional level.


Since then, Le Pen has revised its ambitions upwards. It evokes the possibility of obtaining a group, that is to say at least fifteen deputies, even sixty, which makes it possible to seize the Constitutional Council. Otherwise, “it would be a democratic denial”, she said. The outgoing deputy even considers the some one hundred and fifty constituencies where the RN came first in the presidential election to be winnable, while the interim president of the RN, Jordan Bardella, cherishes the hope of arriving ” on your mind “ in the first round.

” First “, Mme Le Pen will not be a presidential candidate in 2027 and presents Mr. Bardella as his runner-up. They have already shared the countryside: the North for her, the South for him. In a joint video message broadcast on Sunday, they call for “go vote” by invoking the party’s key themes: to “the immigration control which ruins us and which means that we no longer recognize our neighborhoods”pour ” defend “ purchasing power and to redo “of French nationality a privilege”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Marine Le Pen projects herself far from the Elysée

Saturday, in Cavaillon (Vaucluse), Mr. Bardella had called “The Patriots” at “not to scatter their voices”while, in this stronghold of the extreme right, the supporters of Mme Le Pen and Eric Zemmour – whose proposed alliance she refused – lead a fratricidal confrontation.

Mme Le Pen, she has especially criss-crossed the Hauts-de-France, her chosen land. His re-election in the 11e constituency of Pas-de-Calais seems so “without issue” that she will not debate with her opponents on France 3. The RN also dreams of winning its first seat in Gironde, near Blaye, and also hopes for elected officials in Oise and Aisne. “We have always had very good results, but that has never translated into deputies. It needs to change “, according to Mme The pen.

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