in “hypersensitive” women it can promote hypertension –

by time news

2023-04-24 15:38:13

Of Daniela Natali

The tendency to retain it is more marked because it helps the formation and maintenance of amniotic fluid. But on the flip side that can increase the pressure

It is known that women until menopause, thanks to the protection provided by estrogen, are a lower risk of heart attack than men; now new studies say why a threat to a woman’s heart can come from a hypersensitivity to salt which can promote hypertension. Salt hypersensitivity refers to the phenomenon whereby blood pressure decreases or increases by more than 10% in response to the amount of salt consumed. There are studies on the subject,” he comments Monica Girolinutritionist biologist at the Monzino cardiology institute in Milan — but the mechanisms behind this phenomenon are not fully understoodalso because so much research has been conducted on rats, and not on humans.

The cause

What is the main cause of this hypersensitivity? One – as a recent study reports on Hypertension conducted by the Medical College of Georgia, at the University of Augusta (USA) – it could be the fact that the female body has a tendency to retain sodium in salt because during pregnancy you need to increase the volume of fluids to maintain sufficient amniotic fluid. And having a higher concentration of sodium in the blood means retaining more fluids.

The functioning of the kidneys

I women’s kidneys work less well in excreting salt than men? No, indeed it seems they are more efficient than the male ones. For when there is an excess of sodium the body’s first response to keep the pressure stable should be the relaxation of blood vessels; on the other hand, it seems that women who are more sensitive to salt have increased levels of a hormone, aldosterone
which, among other effects, has that of causing greater rigidity of the vessels, leading to an increase in pressure.

The diet and the limits

Women must be pay more attention to salt in the diet? Reducing salt is advice for everyone, even if hypersensitivity to salt affects as many as 50% of women. What’s the limit which should be adhered to? S

no grams of salt per day
but in Italy on average it reaches almost double. Six grams correspond to a teaspoon of salt, but when you do the calculations you don’t have to think only of what you put in the water to cook pasta or on a steak; there is “hidden” salt, that is, the salt contained not only in bread, crackers, but also in biscuits and sweets. And if it is intuitive to think that cured meats and cheeses contain a lot of it, it is perhaps less obvious to think, for example, of that contained in canned tuna, in preserved foods and in all apparently sweet sauces such as mayonnaise or ketchup. Also beware of glutamate, or “nuts” (one of 10g contains 5 of salt) and soy sauce (a teaspoon has about 1g).

Signs to watch out for

How to understand if you are exaggerating with salt? If at a friend’s house or in a restaurant, the food always seems bland or you add a “sprinkling” even before tasting the dish, there is no doubt: we are “salt addicted” ndr). This habit can be corrected by gradually reducing the added salt and paying more attention to the hidden salt. Eating completely bland, as well as being unpleasant is not recommendedbecause a salt-free diet would seem less healthy than a low-salt diet, concludes the expert.

Learn to read labels well

Food labels can give us useful information to know how much salt we consume. Monica Giroli of the Monzino Center in Milan explains: The values ​​that we find generally refer to 100 grams of product. So they must be multiplied according to the portion of food we eat. A food containing less than 0.3 grams per 100 of finished product is defined as having a low salt content; instead we speak of medium content for values ​​between 0.3 and 1-1.2 grams and high when greater than 1-1.2 grams. For example, i biscotti they may contain salt, but reading the labels there are some that contain up to 1.0 g, others half, 0.49 g, always per 100 g. I cracker salati they can contain 2.0-3.0 g of salt per 100 g, but even the unsalted ones (on the surface) are not without it, in fact they contain 1.3-2g of salt. Semolina pastaon the other hand, contains about 0.01g of salt, to which must be added the salt present in the cooking water and in the sauce.

April 24, 2023 (change April 24, 2023 | 17:28)

#hypersensitive #women #promote #hypertension

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