In Italy, 68% of ecosystems are in danger. 30% of vertebrates and 25% of marine animals at risk of extinction –

by time news

2023-05-12 15:25:43

The WWF has launched the new report Biodiversity Fragile, handle with care, underlining the urgency of implementing a ‘National Strategy for Biodiversity to 2030’

The destruction of biodiversity in the world today has reached the dimensions of a real catastrophe: scientists calculate that the impact of mankind on all other forms of life has reached accelerate the rate of natural extinction of species by between 100 and 1,000 times. In just a few decades, entire ecosystems have literally been wiped out: we have a paltry 12.5% ​​of the Atlantic forest left, we have lost more than 50% of our coral reefs and a large portion of the Amazon forest (probably 20% if not more) has been destroyed. . A crisis that also affects Italy, as we read in report del Wwf
Fragile biodiversity, handle with care: Status, trends, threats and solutions for a nature-positive future, presented today in view of World Biodiversity Day (May 22). In our country, which has half of the plant species and about a third of all animal species present in Europe), we are putting our safety and well-being at risk. Because, explains the WWF, our peninsula is like a crystal glass: beautiful and precious, resourceful, but terribly fragile. The report shows the threats to biodiversity in Italy, but also the best solutions available today to reverse the trend.

Specifically, from the national Red Lists of flora of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (Iucn) it emerges that, in Italy about 89% of the habitats of community interest is in an unfavorable state of conservation. Of the 43 forest habitats, for example, five are in critically endangered conservation status and 12 are in danger. The 68% of Italian ecosystems are in danger, 35% critically endangered. The 100% of ecosystems at risk in the Po Valley eco-region, 92% in the Adriatic and 82% in the Tyrrhenian; 57% of rivers and 80% of lakes are in poor ecological status. And the data on the conservation status of the species is no less alarming: 30% of vertebrate animal species e 25% of marine animal species in the Mediterranean they are at risk of extinction. The study is also an appeal to the need to intervene to implement the National Strategy for Biodiversity to 2030which to date has not yet completed the formal approval process, and reverse globally the current trend of biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse.

May 12, 2023 (change May 12, 2023 | 3:25 pm)

#Italy #ecosystems #danger #vertebrates #marine #animals #risk #extinction

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