In Lazio compulsory outdoor mask for one month. Zingaretti: “Essential measure, let’s keep our guard up and anticipate the virus”

by time news

From 23 December in Rome and in the whole Lazio it will be mandatory to wear the mask even outdoors. The governor established it in an ordinance Nicola Gypsies, which defined the measure as “essential for safeguarding health” close to the end of the year holidays and the New Year’s, applying the rules of the yellow zone to the regional territory. Specifically, the ordinance provides that “starting from 00:00 on 23 December 2021 and up to 24:00 on January 23 2022 the obligation, on the whole regional territory, of wear the mask of individual protection in outdoor places, throughout the day, without prejudice to the provisions in force regarding Covid-19 Green Certification ″.

Added to this is greater control and “screening of health and social health personnel operating in public and private health facilities, providing for the execution of a test with a periodicity not exceeding 10 days, in order to promptly intercept any positive cases, without prejudice to the additional obligations envisaged by the risk stratification for the Health Authority or Health Structure “. “I signed the ordinance providing for the obligation of outdoor masks in the Lazio region. It is a precautionary but essential measure for safeguarding our health and that of our loved ones at a time like this. Also this time we are keeping your guard up and as in the past we are anticipating the virus. ”, writes Zingaretti in a note.

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