In light of the drop in the polls: a signage operation near the houses of the Jewish Home candidates

by time news

Tonight, members of the headquarters “You have no mandate” carried out a huge operation to paste notices near the homes of the Jewish Home candidates.

In the Hasmonaim settlement where Nitsana Darshan Leitner lives, hundreds of notices were hung that read: ”Nitsana, it’s up to you! We will not repeat the mistakes of 92 and Oslo. You have no mandate to overthrow the right.”

In Jerusalem, in the Ramot neighborhood where the chairman of the Jewish Home, Hagit Moshe, lives, hundreds of advertisements were hung that read: “Hagit, stop harming the national camp.” The residents of Jerusalem are worried.”

Hundreds of similar signs were also hung in the city of candidate number 2 on the list, Yossi Brodani. You do not have a mandate from below: “We will continue to act in any legitimate and democratic way so that the members of the Jewish Home will withdraw from the race and not return us to the cursed days of Oslo. Nitsana and Yossi, it’s up to you.”

Ads in front of Nitsana Darshan's house
Ads in front of Nitsana Darshan’s house Photography: None
Ads in front of Hagit Moshe's house
Ads in front of Hagit Moshe’s house Photography: None

Former Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed Knesset members Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gabir following the recording published by Kan 11, in which Smotrich is heard calling Netanyahu a “liar who is a liar”, and uttering other harsh words about him.

Netanyahu asked Smotrich and Ben Gvir: “Stop shooting inside the APC, the struggle of the national camp is against Lapid’s government and the Muslim Brotherhood supporters of terrorism. Lapid openly says that he wants to lower the Likud below the number of mandates of Yesh Atid so that he will be tasked with forming the government. In order to thwart Lapid’s plan, a large Likud is needed to form a stable right-wing government of which you are a part in any case.”

MK Itamar Ben Gabir, chairman of the Otzma Yehudit party, commented on the recording of Smotrich at an election conference in Tel Aviv: “I didn’t like the recordings I heard. We want to establish a right-wing government led by Netanyahu, the leader of the national camp, but we want a full right-wing government You don’t have to speak on a personal note and certainly not speak in that style, but tell him – Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, we want you to be the prime minister, but it will be a completely right-wing government.”

In the recording revealed by the journalist Michael Shemesh on Kan 11, Smotrich is heard saying: “If I wanted to take two mandates from Bibi, I would have had to go in his mother-mother. He is a liar son of a liar. He didn’t want to go with Ream? He wanted his father. I was the only one who stood up to Peretz, I would have earned two mandates. It is important for me to establish consciousness that the right is taboo. I seem to straighten the line, I don’t lie when I’m interviewed. I say that I don’t deal with what was unimportant.”

Smotrich, who was deep in the talks and was pressured by Netanyahu to allow the establishment of a government with Ra’am, explains what is behind his opposition to a partnership with the Arabs. In front of the Arab society, I take responsibility, not Ra’am and not the Joint List. We Jews – it’s a difference between heaven and earth. We will transfer money to the authorities in the first second,” Smotrich added.

Netanyahu’s harsh criticism of Smotrich is clearly heard throughout the conversation. The former Minister of Transportation refers to the question of what Netanyahu agreed to give to Ram and also why he cooperates with the narrative presented by the Likud chairman, which he claims is false.

“Even if he was willing to give a little less, it doesn’t make a difference once he agreed to form a government with them, which in the end, at the end, he depends on them. So what does it matter? In the first stage he would have given less and then he would have given them everything otherwise they would have overthrown him And going to the elections. But I now line up with his narrative because it serves what I think is right for the people of Israel.”

Bezalel Smotrich, who has a very murky relationship with Ayelet Shaked and Naftali Bennett and several other government ministers, tells during the conversation about an interesting meeting he had with his former partner in the midst of the talks to form the government. “The day after my speech, I sat with Ayelet who asked, ‘Why are you going against us?’. I told her that Naftali did not sell his life to go with Arabs. Because he is irresponsible and ready to sell his grandmother, so are we like that too?” Smotritz said ‘.

During the conversation, the chairman of “Religious Zionism” referred to one of the most explosive issues in politics, which is the opposition to Binyamin Netanyahu – also among right-wing and religious circles. Smotrich revealed that he is also not a fan of Netanyahu on a personal level and that he estimates that he will end his post after a conviction in court or in other way.

Smotrich also said: “Netanyahu will not stay here forever. Physics and biology will do their thing. Someday he will be convicted in court, I know what, a little patience in life. There is no doubt that Netanyahu is trouble, okay? But now choose between trouble and trouble. You have decided that Netanyahu is the event And I will sell everything?”

MK Alex Kushnir from Israel Beytinu responded to Smotrich’s words: “Bezalel, you see there is something we agree on. Bibi is indeed a liar, a liar.”

Following the publication of the recording, Smotrich called Netanyahu and said afterwards: “There can be no conflict between us. Someone leaked some old recording of mine from a long time ago, I want to say clearly: I spoke with my partners and friends Binyamin Netanyahu and we will not allow anyone to conflict between us, we will work together and build together a national Jewish and Zionist government.”

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