In Llano Chico, the delivery of anthropometric equipment and improvement works to prevent chronic child malnutrition continues – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Quito, February 16, 2023

This morning, in a warm event with the presence of the population of northern Quito and national authorities, anthropometric equipment and sanitary infrastructure works were delivered in the parish of Llano Chico. The intervention is part of the strengthening of the first level of care that includes hiring personnel, improvements in connectivity, maintenance and equipment.

This State portfolio invested 3.5 million dollars in the acquisition of 4,483 anthropometric equipment and hemoglobinometers to strengthen the actions that prevent Childhood Chronic Malnutrition on a national scale. Of these, 1,791 stadiometers, baby scales and hemoglobinometers were delivered on February 16, 2023 for Zonal Coordination 9.

Erwin Ronquillo, technical secretary of Ecuador Grows Without Child Malnutrition, participated in the delivery and during his speech stressed that this year the National Government allocated $360 million dollars for the future of children and a national cause that seeks to eradicate chronic child malnutrition. “Today it shows with tangible results that public policy has results in the territory,” he said.

Additionally, the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) delivered the sanitary infrastructure improvement project in Llano Chico, Cocotog, Guayllabamba and Zámbiza, whose investment was $65 thousand dollars.

In this sense, José Ruales, Minister of Public Health, reported that to date health centers are being strengthened, providing what is necessary so that health problems are resolved at the first level of care. “Actions are being carried out in the country to improve the health infrastructure, as in Llano Chico, we intervene in 600 health centers in the country,” he said.

The Minister also added that the hiring of 960 health professionals is planned to improve care for the prioritized population in parishes with the highest risk of chronic malnutrition.

The Llano Chico Health Center has a portfolio of services for care in General Medicine, Obstetrics, Dentistry, Nursing, immunizations, pharmacy, and statistics for care of about 11,500 people.


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