In Mayotte, the State seeks to regain control

by time news

2023-05-14 19:31:36

The operation « Wuambushu » will she recover? Three weeks after the thwarted start of this operation to fight slums, delinquency and irregular immigration in Mayotte, the government will perhaps regain control.

The prefecture of 101e In any case, the French department has just won, Saturday, May 13, a first victory following two setbacks stopping the work of the diggers escorted by the police, from the first day of the operation. While Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin had promised the destruction of 1,000 tin houses in two months, legal proceedings brought by residents of slums promised to be demolished had argued the absence or inadequacy of proposals for rehousing by the State, as required by the Elan law of 2018. The administrative court of La Réunion-Mayotte had then suspended the demolition operation concerning twenty applicants from the slum of Talus 2, in Koungou, north of Mamoudzou.

Saturday May 13, the president of the administrative court, Gil Cornevaux, finally “turned down his prescription” of February 27 due to new elements put forward by the prefecture of Mayotte. During the hearings, the judge in chambers had demanded tangible documents from the services of the Prefecture to prove « l’existence » of these relocations when certain addresses did not exist. “I don’t believe the prefect on uniform”, had launched the magistrate.

On video : Operation “Wuambushu”, in Mayotte: three minutes to understand how we got there

“For each of the twenty families, we produced leases and certificates corresponding to these relocations which were allocated according to the situation of each of them”, had pleaded the lawyers of the Prefecture, Alain Rapady and Olivier Tamil. A version disputed by one of the representatives of the families, Me Yseult Arnal, citing the case of a woman with four children caring for her two disabled parents or even a mother of eight “who has no guarantee as to whether the accommodation is suitable”.

“It is a political decision”

In its judgment of May 13, that The world was able to consult, the court considers that the conditions are finally met and that “the prefect justifies social support by various structures and associations”. The judge in chambers, however, required additional guarantees. He thus enjoins the prefect of Mayotte to protect and store, after an inventory, the movable property of the twenty evicted families. It is also enjoined to the prefect, to the rector of Mayotte and to the mayors of the municipalities concerned that the schooling of the children of the families concerned is ensured in the educational establishments belonging to the new residence of the parents. “It’s a political decision,” reacts Marjane Ghaem, one of the families’ lawyers.

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