In Moscow, traffic inspectors will be connected to road cameras and neural networks

by time news

The Moscow Center for Traffic Organization (TsODD) announced a tender for 180 million rubles for state purchases. on modernization of the “automated system of photo and video recording of violations”, reports “Kommersant”. It is assumed that the tablets of employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate (GIBDD), the Moscow Administrative Road Inspection (MADI) and Mosparkinga (AMPP) will install an application that allows them to connect to any traffic cameras, detect the car and stop it for inspection.

Testing of the new software, which will become part of the current Intercept system, should take place before the end of this year. Its implementation is planned in 2022.

The application will allow you to quickly track, including unregistered with the traffic police, taken off the register, registered for minors or deceased cars, as well as cars with errors in their registration data. At the moment, the owners of such cars avoid fines, since they go nowhere in the absence of a formal owner.

“If the inspectors connect to cameras and target specific vehicles, there will be much more benefit from this than sending 500 automatic fines into the void,” said Pyotr Shkumatov, coordinator of the Blue Buckets movement. “Law-abiding drivers should, by and large, be left alone and deal only with such violators,” he added.

In addition, data centers want to more actively use the capabilities of the neural network. It is assumed that the camera will be able to recognize even cars with a partially covered license plate by comparing and analyzing all available data, including the region, make and color of the car. Finally, the data center wants to get software that allows you to exclude double penalties from cameras for one violation.


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