In Nantes, these teenagers spend part of their vacation with the gendarmerie

by time news

2023-08-25 08:10:24

“It was frankly impressive. I didn’t think the dog could be so effective,” says 17-year-old Nolan. “It’s not every day that we can attend this, we feel privileged”, adds Amaury, 16, after two good hours of demonstrations and questions and answers with dog handlers. Like the twenty high school students who accompany them, the two boys could have chosen to enjoy the holidays by going to the beach or by playing video games. However, ten days before the start of the school year, these teenagers from Loire-Atlantique preferred to spend the entire week discovering the professions of the gendarmerie. A “mission of general interest” which falls within the framework of the second phase of the universal national service (SNU).

Reserved for volunteers aged 15 to 18, this free system launched by the State in 2019 aims to “emancipate young people” and “develop a culture of commitment”. Phase 1, the best known, takes the form of a two-week cohesion stay outside the department of residence. Phase 2, essential to validate your SNU, requires a commitment for 84 hours in an administration, a health establishment or an association. Nolan and Amaury could apply for an internship at the SPA or the Restos du Coeur, for example. They asked for the police.

“For the CV, it’s not bad I think”

“I don’t particularly want to become a policeman but I was curious to find out more about it. I’m not disappointed so far,” says Adèle, 17, who originally joined the SNU on the advice of a friend. “It’s a profession that could interest me, so I wanted to try it out,” explains Léa, 16. The youngest of the band, Loan, is not there either by chance since he is attracted by the army and thinks that this SNU “would be a plus for the future”. The eldest, Paul, 18, admits that he was initially registered by his mother against his will. “But hey, I don’t regret it in the end. We learn things and we meet nice people. And then for the CV, it’s not bad I think. »

The teenagers sleep this time at the family home but are expected each morning, at 9 am, at the Nantes barracks. On the program: exchanges with different units (surveillance and intervention platoon, departmental road safety squadron, GIGN, etc.), meeting with magistrates, fitness walking and even an introduction to shooting. “The GIGN, it marked me,” says Lisa, 17 years old.

Exercise of the canine brigade of the national gendarmerie in front of SNU volunteers in Loire-Atlantique. – F.Brenon/20Minutes

Unsurprisingly, the meeting with dog team, on Wednesday, also generated a lot of interest. The biting and tracking exercises (search for narcotics, banknotes and flammable products) particularly appealed to the teenagers, as did the multiplication of anecdotes. “Our role is a bit special in the gendarmerie since we work in support of other units, explains to the assistance Gaël, dog handler for 11 years. It is also a passion job with constraints that you have to know. But, even if the places are rare, becoming a dog handler is possible for everyone from the moment you are motivated. “It gives confidence,” appreciates Adèle. “We were able to discuss with women who are chiefs. It gives courage. We tell ourselves that we can do it too, ”adds Lisa.

“Maybe vocations, maybe not”

“These young people come from all over the department, not necessarily from the same backgrounds, but all are volunteers and therefore motivated, observes Jean-Bernard Simonin, president of the Cadets de la gendarmerie, the association which organizes this phase 2. This experience will perhaps arouse vocations, perhaps not. The objective is above all to help them grow by opening their eyes to the world. »

The young volunteers are not unaware that the UNS is also criticized. He is accused, in particular, of militaristic inclinations. “I actually have girlfriends who are very critical of the SNU,” regrets Lou. “We are not always well seen, considers Amaury. I have friends to whom you have to explain that you are not necessarily on the right when you do the SNU. They don’t really understand what I do there during the holidays. But others are listening, asking questions and want to come now. ” THE high cost of the first phase of the SNU is also singled out. Phase 2, on the other hand, is carried out without public funding, forcing the partner associations to find private funds.

The government’s desire to generalize the SNU by including it in school time from 2024 also raises questions about its possible compulsory nature. Nearly 40,000 young people are engaged in universal national service in 2023.

#Nantes #teenagers #spend #part #vacation #gendarmerie

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