In Naples the debut of the green pass on bus and metro between inconveniences and doubts. And the restaurateurs: “We feel safer, but we risk losing customers”

by time news

A Naples spotty checks on public transport on the day the super green pass made its debut and the “basic” green certificate for buses, metro and trains became mandatory. With the cameras of the we have been to different districts of the city. Few or completely absent controls in some stations such as that of Montesanto, where thousands of citizens pass from the outskirts to the historic center. “Yes, here we expected to show the green pass – some surprised users tell us – but I entered, I validated the ticket and no one asked me anything“. ‘Random’ checks for road transport. The situation is different for the metro stations of Piazza Dante and the Piazzetta Augusteo funicular where the police guarded the entrances, even if there was no shortage of inconveniences and problems with reading the codes which inevitably slowed the flow of passengers. Doubts for the debut of the super green pass even among restaurateurs. “We should send many people away, before at least with the swab we could make them sit – explains a restaurateur in the historic center – moreover the city is full of non-European tourists who have a different pass from ours and we do not know how we should behave with them”.

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