In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 1 March: Kiev: we shoot and hopefully. Arms from Italy for 1 year

by time news

The spirit of the times

Revolving doors in talks: virologists out, generals come in!

Enough Covid, there is war – There are soldiers, strategists … There is Fabbri “curator and popularizer”, there is the entrepreneur all-rounder. And Cerno was promoted to expert “because he speaks Russian”

Unique thought

Spinelli & C .: the liberal Taliban lynch those who criticize the US and NATO

The “mainstream” attacks – The signature of the “Fact” accused of sovereignty for analyzing the mistakes of the Americans. Renzi takes it out on Anpi, in Rai massacred Innaro and Sangiuliano


Down the ruble, queues at the counters: the sanctions offensive begins

The tightening of reserves causes the currency to collapse and the banks to creak. Moscow forced to control capital

The grillini troubles

M5S, today the hearing on “frozen” Conte

In Naples – The leader hopes for an appeal. On the 2 mandates, he evaluates the votes of the members on various options

Giuliano Scarselli

“The vaccination requirement to work cancels constitutional freedoms”

Covid and rights: “An administrative offense cannot reduce people to hunger. It only happens in Italy “

Anna sorokin

After “Inventing”: Anna still in her cell, fictional martyr

The real story – The truck driver father, the scam, the trial

Julian Barnes

I don’t believe in God … but I miss him

Mourning and lemon juice – “No fear” comes out today

The turning point

The “new” Europe will be more militarized

Taboo Fallen – Military aid to Ukraine of 500 million and an EU army looming. Even Germany is no longer a pacifist. This is how the war industry celebrates


Draghi gives the hole to Macron & C. but sends the weapons

The measures – Until 31.12 in Kiev anti-tank missiles and machine guns. The Russians: “You will suffer consequences”


Salvini leans over to arms. Anti-Putin Northern League revolt

Parties & torments – The secretary of the Northern League calls for peace, but will say yes to the resolution in favor of Ukraine. Discontent among the 5S: 7-8 defections


All shut up for Maggioni’s Fake on Raiuno

In these days in Rai on the war in Ukraine they see all the colors. Someone is pilloried, someone else not. Who seems to enjoy absolute power is Monica Maggioni. The director of Tg1, former war correspondent and expert in foreign affairs, from Thursday took possession of the schedule (with the […]

Other than Ukraine

Defense, the Officers’ Club becomes a night club for the burlesque show: director removed

A burlesque show doesn’t hurt anyone, it seems that years ago there was another one in the austere setting of the Officers’ Club, which is no longer at the Ministry of Defense but a little further on, again in via XX Settembre, in the heart of the Rome of power, in front of the Army Palace. This time though […]


From today, quarantine from non-EU countries will no longer be required

From today it will be easier to travel: in fact, the ordinance of the Ministry of Health which provides for the stop to quarantine from non-EU countries enters into force. To enter Italy, one of the conditions of the basic Green pass will be sufficient: vaccination certificate, recovery certificate or negative test. Only in case of no-show of one of […]

The reporters? Out

“Salerno System”, is not a civil party in the Municipality

The Municipality of Salerno did not appear as a civil party in the process of the ‘Salerno system’ of the contracts to the coop in exchange for votes. The proceeding began yesterday with the positions of the two defendants for which the Prosecutor led by Giuseppe Borrelli requested and obtained immediate judgment. This is the former city councilor […]

Al “Boat show”

Toti brings reporters 4 days to Dubai. And the Region pays

Four days in Dubai, at the expense of the Liguria Region. On the occasion of the “Boat show”, the nautical festival to be held in March at the Expo of the Arab Emirates, the council of Giovanni Toti will participate with a delegation. Reason for the trip: “It is a great opportunity for the enhancement and growth of the Ligurian economy”. And to convince of this also i […]

Cartabia’s choice

Renoldi n.1 at the Dap, even Lega has doubts. Pd and FI applaud

Majority divided on the head of the Dap in pectore, the judge of Cassation Carlo Renoldi, chosen by the Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia in recent days, as revealed by the fact. Not only M5s, but also the League disagrees on the minister’s desire to have a judge who spoke of associations lead the prison administration department […]

From Palamara

Renzi fake on Davigo: “The 5 stars knew that in the minutes on Hungary there was Conte”

The fair of impunity and victimhood lasts about an hour. Officially there are Matteo Renzi, Luca Palamara and Alessandro Sallusti, gathered at the Rizzoli of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, in Milan, to present the book of the director of Libero and the former magistrate (Lobby and Logge, Rizzoli). For Renzi it is a golden opportunity to continue the crusade against […]

The Inail report

Work accidents, + 47% in January. But it is no longer Covid’s fault

2022 began with a large increase in workplace injuries and the reason is not just in the new explosion of in-company Covid cases recorded in January. The increase occurred above all in incidents that have nothing to do with infections from SarsCov2. In January, as many as 57,583 were reported to Inail […]

“He led an Islamist group”

“He brought weapons to Libya”: 9 years to Giulio Lolli

The Court of Rome sentenced Giulio Lolli, a 56-year-old former entrepreneur extradited from Libya in December 2019 and accused of criminal association aimed at international terrorism and arms trafficking, to 9 years. The deputy prosecutor Sergio Colaiocco had asked for 8 years. According to the investigators, Lolli had a “managerial role” in the Islamist group […]

Risks on lawsuits

Mps, there is the third line of investigation in Milan

Third line of investigation on Mps in Milan after those on the accounting of derivatives and doubtful loans. In August 2018 Giuseppe Bivona, manager of the BlueBell fund, shareholder of Monte, had reported that in the half-year report as at 30 June 2018, in his opinion, the bank had not correctly set aside the funds on legal risks in the cases for […]

Lonate Pozzolo (Varese)

Exchange vote, 5 acquitted: “The law has changed”

“The fact does not exist” because the law has changed. Thus the 5 defendants in the shortened trial in Milan in a chapter of the “Krimisa” investigation on an alleged exchange vote were acquitted. Among them the former mayor of Lonate Pozzolo (Varese) Danilo Rivolta, and the former regional coordinator of the Christian Democrats Peppino Falvo. The gup Tiziana […]


Life imprisonment for ex-husband and assassin for the murder of Ilenia Fabbri

Claudio Nanni was the instigator of the murder and PierLuigi Barbieri, a confessed criminal, his material executor. This was established by the Ravenna Court of Assizes, which after three and a half hours in the council chamber, sentenced the two men to life imprisonment for the murder of Ilenia Fabbri, Nanni’s ex-wife, slaughtered at 46 on the 6th. […]

Andrey Soldatov

“Now Putin scares his people and listens only to the superfalcon Shoygu”

“The Russian secret services and Lavrov did not want to attack, but they were afraid to say so”


Traveling with refugees: Moldova, one way

The means – A bus without petrol, between holes like craters

Under siege

In the capital under the bombs: “It is useless to talk to the invader”

“It is the beginning of the total war”. Taras is 40 years old and has a packed backpack on his shoulders. There inside of him is his whole life. He shakes hands with his wife Ljudmila, 37, and his son Ruslan, 9. They are running away with their dog, Ter, to the Kiev station. “We are not hoping for negotiations, but […]


Italy and Brussels aim to have more gas reserves (and more suppliers)

Di Maio and Eni yesterday in Algeria – Cingolani: “In 24 months Moscow will have less weight”

The other front

Not just the oligarchs: taxing the rich can weaken Putin

The idea – Squeeze the offshore wealth of billionaires, don’t hit the poorest

The impact on Italy

Now the bombs are also expensive to Unicredit: thud on the stock exchange

The war in Ukraine risks costing Italian banks too much (and not only them), especially Unicredit. Yesterday, while stocks in the military sector (such as Fincantieri and Leonardo) rose double-digit with the rearmament announced by the European countries, Unicredit remained under great pressure due to the exposure of part of its business to the East: it has […]

The special

“Simply Lucio Dalla”: today on TvLoft and Extra with Assante and Castaldo

A special for the 10th anniversary of his death: “Simply Lucio Dalla” – available for free on and the TvLoft app – will be conducted by Ernesto Assante and Gino Castaldo, with the Stefano Di Battista Jazz Band Quartet who will perform the most popular songs of the songwriter. A conversation between Castaldo, Assante and […]


Venditti and De Gregori on tour: 50 years of music and legends

After two years of waiting (due to the pandemic) the tour of the two songwriters starts: in 1972 they recorded together “Theorius Campus” and then brought it to a concert in Hungary.


The first was good: the newcomer Karšaiová and the couple’s “Velvet Divorce”. And of the State

The work is a candidate for the Witch

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