In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 10 December: Now the government discovers the infected with the Green pass

by time news

Quirinal novel

Colle, Letta focuses on Draghi. The axis with Conte and Meloni

Identikit. Taking note of Mattarella’s no to bis, the dem leader “agrees” to the move of the premier. But he will have to convince all the Democratic Party and all the 5 Stars

The interview. Vittorio Sgarbi

“Pittelli also wrote to me, but I deny it”

The deputy: “I wanted to ask the question. From Carfagna an unprecedented wickedness ”

The interview. Pierpaolo Bombardieri

“The government ignores those who suffer, the strike is not treason”

Uil. “The press attacks us, but conflict is a factor of progress”

The investigation

“Rigged Aspi tender”. Investigated Del Basso De Caro

Benevento. In the sights of the prosecutors, a 75 million euro race, a round of corruption and non-existent invoices. 4 under house arrest. The deputy Pd registered for other events

He folder

E-commerce, only one will remain: Amazon

The investigation of the Italian Antitrust. First sting. The 1.1 billion fine reveals the overwhelming power of the colossus, which in fact imposes “its” logistics on third-party sellers. In parcels it has no more rivals

The Tribune of Rome

Michetti is back: “I found the party of educated people. I see myself as a minister “

Projects after the defeat

The Zaki of Italy

The cases of two migrants detained and then acquitted

After 22 months in prison, Patrick Zaki, the 30-year-old Egyptian student and activist, has returned free, imprisoned by the Al-Sisi authorities and on trial on charges of threatening national security, inciting illegal protests, subversion, spreading false news. propaganda for terrorism. In these two years, public opinion has moved for Zaki: […]

The interview. Gaetano Quagliariello

“B., stop shopping or we’ll let you go”

The Totian senator: “to take 3 he annoys 30”

The agreement with Renzi. Salvini calls Casini: “we vote for you”

Now Matteo Salvini’s plan B is called Pier Ferdinando Casini. The two have heard in the last few hours and to take the initiative was the leader of the League who in recent days has been creating an axis with Matteo Renzi to identify a candidate to vote on the fourth ballot. The first hypothesis that Salvini […]

Berlusconi at the Quirinale? No thank you

Investigated, disheartened, beaten. But the “communists” save him

Ninth Episode. The darkest hour. The first invitation to appear, the (false) turnaround, the investigation into the mafia, the debacle with Prodi, the Bicameral mess


Csm, the “reform” under the Cartabia tree makes itself the gift of Colle’s view

Justice. There is still no written text, but the minister anticipates to the (disappointed) parties her plan to stem the “current bank”

Open immunity

“Renzi as Siri”. The council invents the “precedent”

Palazzo Madama is in a hurry to drag the investigators of the Florence Public Prosecutor’s Office before the Consulta, who accuse Matteo Renzi of illicit financing in the context of the investigation into the Open Foundation: despite the still unresolved doubts, even on the very competence of the Senate to intervene, such as requested by the leader of Italia Viva, a report has already been prepared for […]

Cappato protests

Euthanasia, text ok to the Chamber. But it’s “watered down”

The Chamber’s Justice and Social Affairs commissions approved the basic text on assisted suicide with the favorable vote of Pd, M5S, Leu, Iv and Più Europa, while the center-right said “no”. The law will be discussed in the Chamber from Monday 13 with two Giallorosa speakers: Alfredo Bazoli (Pd) and Nicola Provenza (M5S). The […]

Bonelli’s appeal

Verdi nuclear conference: “Inappropriate government presence”

The participation of government representatives at the conference of 15 December The decisive nuclear energy transition, organized in Rome by the Italian Nuclear Association, the national co-spokesman of Europa Verde, Angelo Bonelli, considers it “inappropriate and worrying, moreover if we think that in a few days the European Commission will definitively decide on the EU green taxonomy and […]

The interview. Palù

“We need more surveillance on vaccines, but there are 16 confirmed deaths”

President Aifa


An outbreak in Defense: so the employee died

The Defense and the former commander of the Army’s School of Foreign Languages ​​(Slee), an institution of a certain prestige which has its headquarters in Perugia, will find themselves in court for the death of an employee who, in full lockdown, was working in attendance two days a week. Yet he had just survived a tumor, with 100 per disability […]


“The treatment for the No vax costs 70 million to the NHS every month”: the Altems study

Let’s give the numbers

Victims of Piazza S. Carlo

Appendino’s sms: “If it turns out that the stewards weren’t there for money reasons, we’re dead”

“If it turns out that the stewards weren’t there due to money problems, we’re dead.” The message that on 5 June 2017 the mayor of Turin, Chiara Appendino, sent via chat to her head of cabinet, Paolo Giordana. Two days earlier there had been the tragedy in Piazza San Carlo, with waves of panic that yes […]

Mattarella has decided

Grace to Oberleiter, from the 60’s Tyrol to life imprisonment

The chronicles have consigned him to history as a terrorist. But, according to the Quirinale, “his criminal acts did not cause deaths”. The Head of State, Sergio Mattarella, yesterday granted the pardon to Heinrich Sebastian Oberleiter. Its name is linked to the Tyrolean independence movement and to the continuous attacks of the 60s and 70s. […]

Today in the square

The first strike is from the school: “Little money for teachers and chicken coop classes”

The unions of the school of Cgil, Uil, Snals and Gilda claim that it is the opening strike of the period of unrest and indeed it is. Proclaimed before the protest spread to the general strike of December 16, tomorrow the teachers and technical administrative staff of the school will stop against the policies […]

Archiving requested

Marò, “no evidence against, they respected the rules”

“There is no evidence that the Italian marines killed the Indian fishermen”. And, if it had been them, “it would have been at most manslaughter, a prescribed crime”. The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Rome has asked for the filing of the riflemen of Marina, Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, who according to the Indian authorities on February 15, 2012 […]

He replies: “Crazy jealousy”

Another woman accuses Varriale: “I was beaten”

Another accusation for Enrico Varriale: a woman, with whom the former deputy director of Rai Sport is allegedly having an affair, contacted 112 last night, telling of being slapped by him. Pending the investigations of the police, who intervened in the journalist’s home, Varriale – already accused of having molested his ex-partner – […]

The cassation sentence

“He did not kill Rocchelli: Markiv is innocent”

It was not the former Ukrainian soldier Vitaly Markiv who killed Andrea Rocchelli, the Italian reporter who was the victim of an attack in the Donbass in May 2014. This was confirmed by the Court of Cassation which yesterday declared inadmissible the appeals presented by the Milan public prosecutor and by the journalist’s family against the acquittal […]


“Votes at 50 euros each”: husband of the regional councilor in trouble

They would have bought numerous votes by paying them 50 euros each to win the elections that last October led to the reconfirmation of the outgoing mayor of Triggiano (Bari), Antonio Donatelli, a candidate supported by various civic lists. The buying and selling of votes, according to the Carabinieri and the Bari Public Prosecutor’s Office, would have been “engineered” and “carried out” by Alessandro […]

The case

The ploy to stock up on “temporary workers”

Cost of labor. The data of the dispute

The other hot front

Tax, the giant is dribbling taxes thanks to the agreement in Luxembourg

Competition is not the only field in which Amazon plays its rivals. The other is fiscal policies: the multinational takes advantage of complex schemes and complacent countries. According to the latest edition of the report on the web giants of the Mediobanca Research Area, last year, thanks to the pandemic, Amazon generated revenues of € 314.6 billion, up by […]

Su fq millennium

Messina Denaro and Graviano: the secrets of the Roman encounter

The mafia ghost: a portrait. The year was 1992. The prologue to the massacre takes place at the Trevi Fountain: you have to start from there to understand who “U Siccu” is.


To the metalworkers only crumbs: so Sánchez betrayed them

After 9 days of protests, the workers of Cadiz signed the contract, but Podemos and the socialists disappointed


Berlin still punishes those who wanted Hitler dead

The Solms-Baruth case III. The prince housed the officers of the Valkyrie operation, which later failed Himmler spared him in exchange for 13,000 hectares of land. The heirs sue the state


Assange and extradition to the US. London decides its fate

Hearing today. Wikileaks and top secret files

United States

His group’s fraud investigation, Trump called to testify

The Donald thinks about political strategies to get back on track in the next presidential election against Joe Biden, but in the meantime he has to deal with his judicial woes. Letitia James, New York Attorney General, demanded that the tycoon and Republican member testify under oath on Jan.7 in her civil investigation. […]

The mourning

Goodbye Lina “metallurgic”. First female director at the Oscars

Assistant to Fellini, he made his debut in 1963: “Unconsciousness is my adviser”

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