In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 10 November: Renzi, here is the email to pilot news and talk. Delta structure

by time news

Sui social

The Israeli software for Matthew’s Beast

“Don’t waste your time, go. Other than privacy. We know the names. Come on!!!”. It is September 20, 2016, the constitutional referendum is just over two months away. Matteo Renzi replies to an email from Fabio Pammolli, university professor and consultant of his government, who takes stock of the activities underway on social networks. In that […]


Intensive care, Marche and Friuli above the 10% threshold

Christmas, mini lockdown hypothesis for those with 70% immune

He folder

Rdc, the ideas of the experts (which Draghi will not use …)

Orlando Commission – Proposals: from greater protections for large families to job offers, up to the stakes on money. The opposite of what the government decided

The “bolkestein”

Beaches, the era of extensions is over: “They must be put up for tender”

Verdict – The Council of State closes the game: Draghi, in the Competition bill, had avoided a clash with the League at the end of 2023. And now?


De Luca system in a spin: now the “City of the Sun” is infected

The governor’s fiefdom

5 star movement

Conte makes the appointments vote. But Grillo stays away

Giuseppe Conte is impatient, even nervous. He sees the siege of enemies, primarily internal ones, that malaise painted on certain faces of the joint assembly last night, very tense. And he feels the breath on the neck of the stone guest, that Beppe Grillo who today was supposed to be in Rome, to meet the former premier, his deputies and group leaders, but […]

Former ladies

A Specter to get back the annuity

Redivivi – The association recruits the press office and web guru against the “climate of hatred”

Salvini will recover it

Calabria, goodbye to Spirlì: stay out of the junta

He had been presented as the candidate in ticket with Roberto Occhiuto. And instead, after the electoral victory of the center-right in Calabria, Nino Spirlì not only lost the vice-presidency of the Region, but was also kept out of the council of Roberto Occhiuto. No seats for the former governor of Calabria, who succeeded Jole Santelli. To announce it […]

Municipal elections

Calenda blocks his former Rolex candidate on Twitter

Roman pastore, the young candidate on the list of Carlo Calenda at the Municipio III of Rome, was blocked on Twitter by the leader of Action. The boy wrote it on the same social network, tagging Calenda: “But how? I’m applying with you, putting my face to it at just 21 years old. Receiving insults, threats and malice. They call me press and tv […]

There is no longer Pannella

Justice referendum, wrath of the Radicals swindled by the League: no TV or reimbursements for signatures

In the end we are always there: to the great and only leader who is no longer there, Marco Pannella. Able to make deals with the devil, but always managing to be at least equal to him. Like when the radical leader forced Silvio Berlusconi in 1996 to pity him for an electoral agreement in extremis to scrape together the votes […]

He leader Iv

Italian security at risk: Copasir requests documents on Arab money

The scoop of the “Done”

The new law

In Sardinia concrete pours also in protected areas

A pour of concrete is about to hit lakes, ponds and every humid area (ie marshes, marshes, fresh or salt water basins) of Sardinia. A massacre possible thanks to an amendment, the number 681, inserted overnight by the majority of Christian Solinas in the Omnibus law, approved by the entire majority (i.e. by the entire center-right […]

One wounded also in Bergamo

Rome, falls from 3 meters, 41-year-old worker dies

People still die at work in Rome. A worker, Fabrizio Guarnieri, 41, was setting up the awning of a padel leader in a sports club when he fell from a height of three meters, hitting his head on the ground. Undergoing surgery, he died shortly after. The incident occurred yesterday morning in a […]

At the records the audio in chat

Nada Cella, “criminal threat investigated”

Some messages sent in July 2019 by Annalucia Cecere, investigated for the murder of Nada Cella, to Antonella Pesce Delfino, the criminologist who played a crucial role in the reopening of the case that remained unsolved for 25 years, ended up in the proceedings. “Don’t play dumb… but how did you know I was dating (…) e […]

The hypothesis of a crime: “murder”

Died in Reggiano: minor under investigation

The Prosecutor’s Office of Bologna investigated a minor on charges of manslaughter for the death of Walter Fornaciari, the 46-year-old found unconscious last week along a road in the center of Casina, in the Reggio Apennines, and died a few days later. . In the early stages of the investigation, investigators speculated that death […]


Iberian success: vaccines, no Green pass and masks indoors

There is a very simple graph that – net of the current season which is still mild, unlike what happens further north – explains well why at this moment the model of contrast at Covid is Iberian: Spain has recently exceeded 80 % of population fully vaccinated, as Portugal travels to […]


She is the great sick woman: almost 30 million Germans without a dose

These days Germany is in the sad phase – unfortunately well known to us Italians – of records that last a few hours. After the exceeding of 200 in the incidence of infections per 100 thousand inhabitants (201.1 on Monday 8 November), here is the update of the Robert Koch Institute for the last 24 hours: 213.7 cases per 100 […]

22 days

Maneuver gone. Chigi: “You don’t need a new CDM”

Delay – Was expected in the Chambers on 20/10

Football on television

Dazn, stop to 2 devices for each subscriber. Furious consumers. Even with Mentana

If, as the owners of Serie A say, “piracy kills football”, the Italian ball has decided to commit suicide. Dazn is ready to eliminate the so-called “concurrency”, the possibility of watching the games of its two TVs at the same time: if you are a remote family, or even two friends who “split” a subscription, you will soon see […]


Beha was “hidden” by Rai: family wins in Cassation

Now the Supreme Court also confirms this: for years Oliviero Beha, a beloved sports journalist who collaborated for a long time with Il Fatto, was unfairly “hidden” by the schedules and organization of the work of Rai, despite his qualification as editor-in-chief. In short, Rai preferred that Beha not to work, thus reducing an uncomfortable signature to the margins. Four years […]

L’ok a Ravenna

For transgender bus travelcards with the chosen name

In Avenna, transgender people will be able to choose to indicate their chosen name, instead of their personal name, on the bus pass. The initiative was carried out by the local public transport company “Start Romagna” and was born from the request of a 15 year old, supported by the association founded by her parents “Affetti beyond the gender”. Ravenna is the first city in […]

Franceschini method

Pompei & C., The scoop-doped among millions of rains and careers

“Sensational discoveries”

Ideas for politics

The M5S and Pd battle against Neoliberalism

Parallels – The protection of the latter passes through a new vocabulary that gives substance to the concepts of “class struggle”, elite and mass: certainly the two “parties” still have a lot to work on

Crisis on the border

Migrants, barbed wire and soldiers: “It’s Lukashenko’s revenge”

“Hybrid” tactics. Between Belarus and Poland – The president favors flights from the Middle East and then herds refugees Warsaw refuses EU aid


Closer civil war. UN leaders arrested

The window opened by the African Union is now closing to bring the Ethiopian central government and the Tigrinya and Oromo rebels to the negotiating table in an attempt to avert a civil war. That the situation in Ethiopia, the second most populous country in Africa – 110 million inhabitants, 90 ethnic groups and 80 languages ​​- is […]

The analysis

From Libya to Minsk, the blackmail of dictators on the skin of the last

Different scenarios, same scheme


Dear Elio, there is mail for you

Letters to the “Polytechnic” of unknown young people – From Sciascia, Brera, Ceronetti


What’s behind Guido Rossa, the worker who challenged the Br

Luzzatto delved into the tragedy that transformed a man into a martyr in the fight against terrorism to tell the unspoken embarrassing, shunning hagiography

Brian Wilson

“I’ve been playing since I was 12: the piano saved my life”

The new album by the founder of the Beach Boys

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