In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 2 November: To save the climate they fly on 400 jets. The 120 big players move to Glasgow, polluting all over the place

by time news

Covid-19 towards the fifth wave

Third dose, EU states in no particular order. Ema: ok, but not necessary

The one who runs the most is Israel, which since the end of August has given the green light to the third dose for the entire population over the age of 12 and then, since the beginning of October, has also started the revocation of the Green pass – which is not needed there. to work but to enter any room […]

The race to the Colle

Salvini returns to Draghi and surrenders to the vote in ’23

Giuseppe Conte said it straight on Sunday: “Mario Draghi at the Quirinale? We cannot rule it out ”. A noisy opening, which carries with it an unknown: what would happen if Draghi were elected? We would go to the early vote – a hypothesis that Conte does not want – or we could turn towards a prime minister with whom to ferry the legislature to 2023, […]

I study

Bankitalia: “The Renzi threshold on cash has favored black”

The gift to the tax evaders – The maximum ceiling was raised from one thousand to three thousand euros

Christian Democrats

Casini’s hidden campaign, which promises everything and its opposite

Quirinale – The former president of the chamber tries: his confidential talks with the two Matteo

The controversy

Waste benches on wheels: the Court of Auditors investigates. The former headmaster: “Why never used?”

There is no peace for the now famous wheeled benches. The image of the innovative seats of the “Benedetti Tommaseo” high school in Venice stacked on a boat destined for landfill has indignant many, first of all Lucia Azzolina who asked the Court of Auditors to intervene against the principal Stefania Nociti. And the prosecutor of the Court of Auditors […]

He folder

Facebook Papers: the social network is in a dead end

All the troubles of the giant of Zuckerberg. The decline in “appeal” among young people, the failure to curb hatred, internal scandals. The company has preferred to protect, to the detriment of its users, “relevant social interactions”

The investigation – Congo

Lack of protection for Attanasio: checks also on the Farnesina

The ambassador was killed on February 22: the prosecutor is now investigating whether the responsibility for security was with the ministry

The ex first

Bill Zan, Prodi denies Iv: “It had to be voted”

The Renzians try to shield themselves with Romano Prodi, who, however, slips off. We could thus brutalize yesterday’s debate around the Zan bill, sunk in the Senate after Italia Viva, like the center-right, had asked to modify the text. Yesterday the parliamentarians of IV relaunched part of the statements of Prodi a […]

The analysis

Scarecrow China & C. The US and the EU have been polluting more and for longer

Emissions “in perspective”

The g20 in the newspapers

All over the world it is a flop. Here is Mario’s triumph

A collective disappointment but an individual triumph. The world media look to the G20 on the climate and see modest results, weak and unambitious commitments, while the Italian press sees Mario Draghi’s success without borders. Repubblica has forged a new epithet for the Italian premier: “Il tessitore Draghi”. So he defines it in the title of […]

It was established in June

And the Italian climate envoy is still not here: now what’s the use?

The law has been unnecessarily in force since June 24: “In order to allow for a more effective Italian participation in international events and negotiations on environmental issues, including those on climate change, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Ecological Transition appoint the special envoy for climate change ”. It is the role, for example, […]

The numbers

Again alarm: increase in hospitalizations (+131). And in Trieste a ban on protest

Intensive admissions +33

The recall

Few and confused ideas: “For everyone”, “We will evaluate”

What scientists and authorities have said

At the gates of Turin

Rave in Nichelino, Lega: “Lamorgese report in the Chamber”

The police identify thousands of young people – it is estimated at least 6 thousand participants – and the cars slowly leave the shed outside Turin which has become the scene of a rave party. And once again, as already happened a few months ago for a similar event in Viterbo, the center-right accuses the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese of not […]

Truck driver arrested

Double murder in Herculaneum: Palumbo remains in his cell

Vincenzo Palumbo remains in prison, the truck driver who killed two boys aged 26 and 27 in Herculaneum on the night of 29 October, Giuseppe Fusella and Tullio Pagliaro. He had mistaken them for thieves near his house and exploded 11 Beretta shots against the Panda in which they were on board. […]

From Brasil

Anguillara, Bolsonaro is an honorary citizen. Today in Pistoia with Salvini: the League breaks

Jair Bolsonaro’s show in Italy also divides the League. Yesterday, the president of Brazil received honorary citizenship of Anguillara, in the province of Padua, the native town of his grandparents, administered today by the center-right. As expected, Bolsonaro was greeted by a protest sit-in and marches in both Anguillara and […]

No Marseille

France bans entry to Lazio fans: “Violent and pro-fascist”

This time it is much more than a banned trip, as we occasionally see in Italy and abroad. On Thursday the Lazio fans will not be able to go to see their team in Marseille, where the fourth day of the Europa League groups is played, but they will not be able to set foot in France, as per […]

Two more in the hospital

Seven young Florentines beaten in Warsaw

Seven boys beaten, three of which ended up in hospital. A group of 20-year-olds originally from Scandicci, near Florence, were attacked on Saturday night outside a club in Warsaw, Poland, where they had gone on vacation to join friends on Erasmus. From the first reconstructions, it seems that the young people have been victims […]

The judicial battle

Eitan, grandparents’ appeal: “The child is in Israel”

Eitan Biran’s maternal grandfather, Shmuel Peleg, filed an appeal with the Tel Aviv District Court against the baby’s return to Italy. The decision, already announced by the family, opposes the ruling of the Family Court which recognized the reasons of Aya Biran, the paternal aunt of the only survivor of the Mottarone massacre, […]

He was 50 years old

Antonia Terzi, Formula 1 engineer, dies

Antonia Terzi, an engineer who for years worked in Formula 1 at the service of the main teams, including Ferrari and Williams, died at the age of 50. Terzi died in a car accident on an English motorway. Specializing in aerodynamics, she started working for Ferrari in 1996 and stayed there […]


Nazi propaganda film for sale “without warning”

A Nazi propaganda film for sale on DVD “without any critical warning”. To express “bewilderment” is the Democratic Observatory on the new right, on its Facebook page. The film in question is Suss l’breo, the well-known anti-Semitic propaganda film released in Nazi Germany in 1940. “To edit it – writes the Observatory – is the A&R […]

The 19-year-old’s lawyers

“At Grillo jr & C. perhaps used rape drug”

Bruising to the arms and legs “compatible” with “the constriction exerted by the accused during group intercourse”, and “incompatible with the signs of kytesurfing”. And a “blackout” of the victim, “compatible” both with “a very rapid intake of alcohol on an empty stomach” and with “the rape drug”, a substance that is “particularly insidious as it is constituted […]

Silicon Valley

Moles and dissidents: here are those who rebel against Big Tech

They are more and more frequent: the deep throats of Silicon Valley, in recent years, have given a big hand to politics which, after Cambridge Analytica, has woken up against Big Tech. The media coverage, the feeling of being able to make a difference and the reputational protection guaranteed by mainstream interest have contributed to the formation of an army of […]

From tomorrow

Watch, read, listen, explore. The “Done” becomes Extra

Videos, podcasts & C .: the new digital section

Rai end of broadcasts

The department stores of single thought

Orwell – The network management will be replaced by transversal structures that will provide all formats, docs and films. No more schedules and differences of ideas. So what good are three channels? Will Draghi think about privatizing?

The “Brandenburg” airport

The airport of mockery. Berlin, risk of bankruptcy

There is no staff, flights are always late. The administration asks the government for money, otherwise it will crash. For Lufthansa Munich is better


Epstein case, the City trembles: Barclays Bank boss resigns

The head of Barclays Bank walks away amidst embarrassing chatter from the City of London: Jes Staley, chief executive of the banking giant he led for six years, has resigned over an investigation against him for his involvement in the investigation on the financier and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. He replaced it, right on Halloween night, […]

The memory of Paola Cortellesi

“Gigi, my Hamlet to laugh”. “How much we miss Proietti”

Today is a year without Gigi Proietti. (Very long silence) Eh … (silent again) Emotions, memories, sensations overlap (sigh). Beyond the definition. Which? I can’t call him a “teacher” because he didn’t care, but I think back to my life and he represented and represents a lot. Paola Cortellesi, the first meeting on […]


Rebora between Dante and Pound: “Let’s not leave it to the fascists”

The poet, Montale’s “mentor”, in ’55 spent his time freeing his American colleague from the asylum, sending him verses on Alighieri, loved by both of them


Woolf hears the birds singing in Greek, Manzoni hates the squares. What a nut, the writers

Manias and neuroses of the literati

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