In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 23 December: Draghi is a candidate for the Quirinale, but the parties freeze him

by time news


“Massacres, they told me that B. also had an important role”

The investigation, the minutes of the penitent Pennino on file

Il fact checking

Draghi is celebrated: etc. or what comes back and what doesn’t

The end of the year conference

Covid and Christmas

Shorter pass and third dose at 4 months. Omicron at 20%

Today the measures – There is discussion on tampon for vaccinated indoors, Ffp2 in the cinema and smart working. The variant grows but according to the first studies it does less damage

High speed

The arrow hits the Tav at the heart

Milan-Paris – Trenitalia opens the route for 7 hours through the Fréjus. The new tunnel, on the other hand, remains at the mercy of the limited volume of traffic and the laughable environmental benefits. Only the fanfare “great works” remain


Evidence of “gag”: the suspect will be AB and presumed innocent

Silent – Here are the circulars of the Public Prosecutors. The 5Stelle consider proposing a bill that changes the law on relations between prosecutors and the press

The triumph of Barbudo

In chile the pueblo was unido. Boric’s new left

He has been able to align parties, electors from forgotten neighborhoods and the Constituent Assembly. Young and able, he is independent of South American “real socialism”


Helsinki turns on the new nuclear reactor: 12 years of delays, costs tripled to 8.5 billion

With 12 years of delay and costs soared from 3.2 to 8.5 billion, on the night of 21 December Finland finally started the third nuclear reactor of the Olkiluoto power plant, the most powerful in Europe. Built by the French group Areva, in January the reactor will produce energy at 30% of its maximum capacity and will reach […]

Cartabia or Franco or Colao: the toto-names for the “successor”

And now many, if not all, are already thinking of the aftermath: perhaps not likely to feel the mood of the parties yesterday, but certainly possible. In other words, who could be Mario Draghi’s replacement at Palazzo Chigi. The pawn that the premier himself should move, or at least propose, to guarantee the move to the Quirinale. Because if […]

The challenger

Great-grandfather B. resists and prepares new “commercials”

On the day when everyone talks about the new “grandfather of Italy”, that is Mario Draghi, ironically, it turns out (thanks to the weekly magazine Chi) that he has already been the great-grandfather of little Olivia for eight months, born from the relationship between her son Pier Silvio and the former Lucrezia Vittoria. Silvio Berlusconi always wants to excel. Even when it comes […]

Mastella, Veltroni and King Giorgio screw Prodi: the third return

2007, June-September. The Naples public prosecutor intercepts the director of Rai Fiction Agostino Saccà on the phone with Silvio Berlusconi, who asks him to arrange various “actresses” to please some senators he is trying to take away from the center-left. But obviously the two concerned still don’t know. August 1st. After 13 years of presence in […]

Palazzo madama

Senate, null expulsions for the former 5S opposed to Draghi

The Guarantee Council of Palazzo Madama has declared null and void the expulsion from the M5S of the senators Barbara Lezzi, Elio Lannutti, Rosa Silvana Abbate, Luisa Angrisani, Margherita Corrado and Fabio di Micco and has ordered their reintegration into the pentastellato group. For the appeal board of Palazzo Madama the expulsion (decided following their refusal of […]

Guarantee advice

“Recalculate upward annuities to former senators” Another decision to favor the “caste”

This is already a gift for Lorsignori, who now even hope to make a raffle and get everything back – down to the last penny – as in the good old days. Palazzo Madama will have to recalculate upwards all the annuities of the former senators, according to what the Guarantee Council, the internal justice body of appeal, decided yesterday […]

Between doctors and nurses

The virus is back in the lane

The union’s alarm: “150 health workers infected a week”


Narcissus with toilet seat background

Smoking Matteo – Renzi portrays himself in the theater bathrooms, but forgets a detail

Abu Dhabi conferences

“True invoices” I pm: “Archiving Matteo Renzi”

One of the proceedings of the Florence public prosecutor’s office on former premier Matteo Renzi travels to archiving. He was accused of issuing invoices for non-existent transactions together with Carlo Torino, owner of a company in Portici (Naples). The invoices concerned three Renzi’s 2019 conferences in France, London and Abu Dhabi. Two years of investigation […]

disservice to 3570

Rome, at Christmas taxis leave the disabled on foot

Aroma for the disabled those of Christmas will be more difficult days than usual. Because finding a taxi to get around will be impossible, unless you have booked it ten days before. The taxi service used for the transport of wheelchairs in this period is overbooked, so much so that the 3570 has suspended […]

Basilicata, the sentence

Sanitopoli, 7 sentences. But Pittella is acquitted

The investigation into the Lucanian health center was solid, the trial of the Matera Court ended with seven convictions for managers and officials of local health companies. But the main defendant, the former Pd governor of Basilicata Marcello Pittella, was acquitted. In July 2018 he too ended up among the recipients of the precautionary measures (the […]

Football, capital gains case

Inter, focus of the Gdf on the recompra clause

The investigation into Inter’s capital gains passes through the analysis of the so-called “repurchase clause”. The Guardia di Finanza acquired the emails with which the Nerazzurri club would have sold at prices – as hypothesized by the Milan prosecutor’s office – inflated some young people from the nursery, with the obligation to take them back later. On the list of suspicious capital gains actually […]

New force, CGIL assault

Now Castellino and Fiore risk the trial

The presumptive perpetrators of the assault on the CGIL now risk immediate trial on charges of aggravated devastation. Among them, the three leaders of Forza Nuova, Roberto Fiore, Giuliano Castellino and Luigi Aronica, are accused of instigating a crime. The Rome Public Prosecutor’s Office asked for an immediate judgment against 13 people, among the people identified by the […]


Died archaeologist Karageorghis. He discovered the treasures of Salamis

The Cypriot professor and archaeologist Vassos Karageorghis, protagonist of the history of Mediterranean archeology, died in Nicosia at the age of 92. The announcement of the disappearance was made by the University of Cyprus. His excavations of Salamis, the ancient city on the east coast of Cyprus, at the mouth of the Pedio river, 6 kilometers north of modern Famagusta, are fundamental: Karageorghis has discovered […]


Refugee crisis: asylum applications tripled in the last year

If in 2020 the asylum applications received by the Mexican authorities slightly exceeded 41 thousand units, the requests received by the South American state in 2021 have tripled: more than 123 thousand people have applied for reception, according to data from the Comar (Mexican Commission for aid to refugees), supported by the government of Mexico City and Nations […]

Diatribe dem

Biden’s sad Christmas: allies, reforms and sub-zero consensus

Joe vs. Joe – Senator Manchin ditches the aid plan for the poor

Too many inmates

Denmark, 75 million to Kosovo to rent cells

To solve the problem of the overcrowding of its prisons, Copenhagen found a solution far from its home borders: in Pristina. The two countries have just signed a declaration of intent: for 15 million euros a year for the next five years – but the contract that will be signed will be extendable up to ten years -, […]


EU opens infringement procedure: Warsaw “violates EU law”

The college of EU commissioners has decided to initiate an infringement procedure against Poland for the decisions taken by the Constitutional Court of Warsaw which violate, among other things, the principle of the primacy of EU law over that of individual countries and the article 19.1 of the EU Treaty. The Polish court “no longer has the requisites […]

Payments found

“Beijing spy”: Prof. by Harvard

He is suspected of spying on behalf of China in the heart of one of America’s most prestigious institutions, Harvard University. Now Charles Lieber, 62, one of the most respected professors, and former vice president of the Department of Chemistry, has been convicted by the Federal Court in Boston for hiding his ties to Beijing. Take risks […]


Relations and secrets: the TV embarrasses the former boss of 007

The legendary former head of the Mossad, Yossi Cohen – who managed to get the Iranian nuclear archive stolen from Tehran in 2018 – was embarrassed by the Israeli commercial TV Channel 13 in a controversial investigative program that was followed by 1 in 6 Israelis. The author of the service, having attributed to Cohen (much […]

The anniversary

Togni, what a circus marvel

Today the tent reopens in Rome. On the trapeze for 150 years

Robert Byron

“I travel the world and tell it as a man, not as a zoologist”

The master of travel literature, loved by Chatwin, returns to the bookstore with a reportage from Russia with disaffection (for the Bolsheviks) and from “impenetrable” Tibet


Avincola, as a rider in Sanremo dreaming of a duet with Carboni

After “Turisti”, the album by the Roman singer-songwriter

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