In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of February 14: From tomorrow super green pass and obligation are useless, but Draghi perseveres

by time news

But do me the favor Di Marco Travaglio

Free press. “The fallen Count. The Court of Naples resets the appointment “(Giornale, 8.2). “Grillo meditates on a five-man directory” (Sheet, 8.2). “So Bettini ‘suspended’ Conte” (Francesco Merlo, Repubblica, 9.2). “Grillo freezes Conte” (Corriere della sera, 9.2). “Grillo’s move to return to the head” (Annalisa Cuzzocrea, Stampa, 9.2). “Grillo tow Conte” (Messaggero, 9.2). “Now […]

Ukraine crisis

Scholz also raises his voice Biden realigns Zelensky

Kiev doubts attack, phone call with Joe

The best

Superbonus and CSM: Draghi’s “phase 2” is the war between allies

Chaos – Lega, Pd and premier against the M5SCartabia in crisis


Ideas for Italy

Newspapers, by their nature, are mainly concerned with what is wrong or with explaining what is happening: today we try to indicate different solutions from those that have brought us this far

The interview turned upside down

“Conformism triumphs in this Italy: the critical spirit is drugged”

Ottavia Piccolo – Actress against the current

He reports

The Serbian republic on the brink of a new civil war

Discord in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Milorad Dodik, Milosevic’s heir and leader of the Slavic entity, threatens financial and military secession from the rest of the country where the conflict broke out in ’91. In October we go to the polls without electoral reform

Stones & People

The Museum of Nazi-Fascism and the Minister Franceschini

Celebrated on the ministry website

The interview

“I’m here thanks to Verdone and Dario: brave directors”

Ilenia Pastorelli – She is the protagonist of Argento’s new film “Black Glasses”: “Few authors with the strength to bring out the actresses. Better in the 50s “

The new anti-Covid

Yes to the patent for CureVac: “German” Italy challenges Paris

What is the cause of the Italian Patent Office’s rush to renew the twenty-year-old patent on the stabilized mRna technology used by Pfizer and Moderna for their Covid vaccines for five years to the German biotech company CureVac? Because the renewal has not been made known to Parliament, which instead wants a temporary derogation […]

From Palermo to Rome

The boss: “Let’s break Baccini’s horns”

“The doctors” – Guttadauro arrested, related to Messina Denaro: “threatened the former minister”


Fashion and food: this is how the clans took over Tuscany

Other than “happy island” The Region now conquered by the Camorra is’ Ndrangheta: over 100 million euros seized by prosecutors in 3 years


Chinese mafia, the “boss” at dinner in Rome with the factotum of the Beijing government

11 December 2017 – State delegation met Gentiloni

Unhealthy news

Do you know the latest?

Nazi soups, walking cats, return dentures, eye-catching barrel, domestic mummies, art attacks and author’s fagots


Long-term contracts, high royalties and public enterprises

Gas prices have risen about 5 times the average, pushing an increase in bills that could exceed 90 billion euros by 2022. The price of oil is close to 100 dollars a barrel, after negative prices in 2020. Some recall the scenario of the shock of the 70s: the crisis […]


Minimum wage, stronger CCLs, security: the Spanish example

The growth of the Italian GDP has made noise in recent weeks. We are finally growing again, or so they say. In the words of Robert Kennedy, GDP measures everything except what is worth living for. In Italy we could say that GDP growth measures everything except how workers are. AND […]


Even the rich (and the incomes) pay: more progressiveness

Nearly six million people in absolute poverty. Almost 11 million Italians at risk of poverty. One in 10 employees is poor and 1 in 4 has a low wage. On the other hand, the wealth of Italian families during the pandemic increased, plus 100 billion in 2020 alone, net wealth equal to 8.7 times the […]


First: increase the funds. Then make their distribution fairer

The action of governments over the past twenty years on schools, universities and research has been in continuity. The underlying idea is that the direction of the training and research system is inadequate with respect to the needs of the economic system and that only with a reform of the former would it be possible to relaunch the latter. The interventions were […]


Enough bonus 4.0 Large “vertical” projects with national champions

The triumphal announcements on GDP growth in 2021 and on the recovery of pre-Covid levels by the end of the year take place “in the silence of the general crisis”, to put it in the verse of an apocalyptic song competing in Sanremo. A long crisis that sees Italy’s per capita income stagnate at the levels of 1999, when still there […]

EU constraints

No rigid thresholds on spending, aim for full employment

Inflation is rising, families are in difficulty, many businesses are relocating or closing. Is it time for another recession? Much depends on what governments will do and on the debate in the EU. We talked about it with Antonella Stirati, economist of the University of Roma Tre. Are Italian public accounts really too fragile? The public finances situation reflects […]


Come back to the public where you can: free lanes like Berlin and Paris do

It seems that the commission recently appointed by Minister Enrico Giovannini is also asked to evaluate the possibility that, upon expiry of a concession, the State decides to re-appropriate the assets “freely transferable” as provided for in the contracts. Once the concession is over, the state could abolish tolls, as the Spanish government has decided to do. The well-being […]

Other places

Gaza. A fashion house to try to survive

In the tiny Gaza Strip, where the population and unemployment rate are among the highest in the world, the idea of ​​finding a job is almost impossible, especially with the continuing deterioration of economic and living conditions. Therefore, the need to change profession has become for many the only choice to survive. Two designers […]

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