In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of February 18: The accusation: the CSM warned about the lodge Hungary

by time news

Euthanasia – Pro

“It is a theme of humanity The principle of individual freedom must prevail”

According to the court, the referendum guaranteed impunity to anyone who killed a person with their consent, regardless of their state of health.

The interview – Eugenio Albamonte

“It’s the showdown of the policy on public prosecutors Amato worries me”

The referendum questions raised by the Constitutional Court? “Politics is settling accounts with the judiciary.” The speeches of the president of the Consulta Giuliano Amato? “I was surprised and worried”. Eugenio Albamonte, prosecutor in Rome, former president of the National Association of Magistrates and today secretary of the Area, has no doubts about the effects of the decision taken two days ago […]

Tense nerves

Draghi forced to ultimatum But the parties: “Change method”

The executive ends up in the minority 4 times, the prime minister goes to Mattarella for an interview and then threatens: “This is not going to go on”

Winds of war

The Donbass believes in the Tsar. Ukraine Moscow province

In Donetsk, the concessionary concession of 650,000 Russian passports determines trade exchanges, the use of the ruble and even elections


Vaccination obligation, last flop And the “Enough Pass” party is growing

Over 50 – First doses -43% even on the eve of taxation on work The wave slows down, green card less and less popular. But the government insists

Mamma Tv

Rai, “outside the parties” but inside the VIP duo Veltroni-Carofiglio

Programs for the two dem intellectuals

“Acting is getting corrupted, but we always have the same faces”

Actor Fabrizio Ferracane: “It took me a long time, now I know what I’m worth”

I voti

The ex Ilva, the cash limit and other slaps to the government

The gaseous state of the majority gives the government, which ended up under several times last night in the votes in the committee on the Milleproroghe decree, in addition to the political defeat, a couple of not just dilemmas: in particular what to do with the former Ilva and with the maximum threshold the use of cash. To understand this, you have to start from scratch. The […]

Beaches to compete

Balneari, the Greens against the amnesty on squatters

The turning point is epochal: stop to extensions by 2023 and award of concessions through tenders; end of a season that lasted decades. To get there, however, the government has decided to close the ongoing disputes with the illegal bathing establishments. The reform approved on Wednesday by the Council of Ministers contains in fact a technical amnesty that is distorting […]

Referendum, Salvini remains alone: ​​allies and the Northern League base unload him

Matteo Salvini’s loneliness on justice becomes evident early in the morning when he presents himself at a press conference in the House to announce the start of the referendum campaign: next to him the Northern League leader has only empty chairs. There are no (former?) Center-right allies: nor Forza Italia which will support the “yes” but – as he explains […]


The Democratic Party is now thinking of the Yes The “guarantors” attack

The climate is that of a knife between the teeth, in the Pd house. That on the issue of justice, whether it is an impediment to life imprisonment or a referendum, argues strongly. The other day a fight almost broke out when Enza Bruno Bossio, apostle of guarantorism, was denied by his party to be able to participate fully in the works […]

Euthanasia – Against

“This is how the murder of a depressed person was allowed or for an Internet challenge”

According to the court, the referendum guaranteed impunity to anyone who killed a person with their consent, regardless of their state of health.

Grass in the house – Pro

“Make no mistake, Amato is wrong: hard drugs have nothing to do with it”

The promoters reject the accusation of having misspelled the question and believe that the slating was a political decision

Grass in the house – Match

“It was a scam. In addition, it violated a series of international treaties “

The promoters reject the accusation of having misspelled the question and believe that the slating was a political decision


Cartabia reform is once again firm

Amendments stranded in general accounting: “evaluate the coverage”

The investigation

“No waste” on open “170 soldiers during working hours”

The search activities carried out in the context of the Florence Open investigation “involved the use of 170 soldiers” of the Guardia di Finanza, who were however used “in the context of ordinary daily work”. Therefore no extraordinary array of forces. The information, requested in a question signed by the Deputy of Action, Enrico Costa, was provided during the Justice Committee of the Chamber […]


800 million hole: the virtuous Emilia pays the virus bill

Balance. The deficit (to be covered) exists in all regions

The investigation in Milan

Pivetti, kidnapping of 3.4 million: “He wanted to evade the tax authorities”

A fictitious “interposition” of a “corporate screen”. Thus, for the Milan prosecutors, Irene Pivetti would have achieved the “fraudulent tax evasion” goal between 2016 and 2017, “making use of false documents and other fraudulent means”. The crimes of self-laundering and money laundering are therefore deemed to exist “against the former President of the Chamber and his […]

Death David Rossi

Mps, pm Natalini denies Aglieco: “He was not in the room”

“Colonel Pasquale Aglieco was not in David Rossi’s room during the inspection”, “no one turned the basket over on the desk”, “my colleague Antonino Nastasi did not answer the call from Daniela Santanchè on Rossi’s phone”. The twists and turns in the hearings of the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the death of the former boss are not over […]

Covid in costa smeralda

Billionaire outbreak: pm ask for trial

They would not have guaranteed anti-Covid security measures in the summer of 2020, triggering dozens of infections among the employees and tourists of the Costa Smeralda. The Tempio Pausania Public Prosecutor’s Office has requested the indictment of the administrators of the Billionaire of Porto Cervo, of the Phi Beach of Baja Sardinia and of the Country Club of Porto Rotondo. To the administrator […]

The Guttadauro case at EUR

Rome, the friend of the boss “canceled” by the Dems

Adriano Burgio is no longer a member of the Democratic Party. He was removed with a resolution of the commission of guarantee of the Pd Rome, after his interviews in which he confirmed the “fascination” towards the Sicilian boss Giuseppe Guttadauro, related to Matteo Messina Denaro and arrested in recent days in Rome. The now former leader of the Democratic Party […]

The investigation

Taxgate Gucci, the former manager: “The input was from number 1 Pinault”

The testimony of Micaela Le Divelec

It happens in Rome

“There are no places in high school, enroll further away or change studies”

“Our children cannot study where they would like. There is no more room in the scientific high schools of the third municipality of Rome ”. To launch this alarm at the regional school office are the parents of 210 children who were rejected by the “Nomentano” high school in via Casal Boccone, because there are no classrooms for them. Not a small problem […]

Bathing, dem gift

Ostia, the TAR rejects the resolution of the Democratic Party which stops the tenders

The “gift” of the Roman Democratic Party to the seaside resorts crushed by the Tar. The administrative judges of Lazio ordered the cancellation of the resolution of the municipal council of Ostia with which – as soon as it took office – the new dem administration had blocked the European public tenders to reassign (after years of extensions) the bathing concessions, a provision drawn up by the M5S […]

Genoa, the senator speaks

Morandi, Crucioli (Ac’è): “Briciole al Comune”

“On the collapse of the Morandi bridge there are criminal, but also ethical and moral responsibilities of the members who profited from the lack of maintenance. The Municipality of Genoa and the Liguria Region were wrong to accept the crumbs of compensation offered to them, and to renounce the constitution of a civil party, which would allow the community and the victims to obtain much of […]


Astori, three doctors on trial I pm: “The certificate was false”

Three referrals in the context of the investigation line that hypothesizes the crime of forgery in relation to a medical certificate in the investigation into the death of Davide Astori, the Fiorentina captain found lifeless on March 4, 2018 in his hotel room in Udine. Professor Giorgio Galanti, director of the […]

The swag

Viale Mazzini, the investigation widens. The lens also on ongoing tenders

190 thousand euros in cash in a jar

The day

Bombs on asylum and high school and US-Russia cross accusations

Five hundred explosions in the Donbass counted by the OSCE mission, exchanges of accusations between loyalists and separatists, a kindergarten and a high school courtyard hit like numerous other buildings, at least four injured, a Ukrainian drone shot down by pro-Russian militias: Ukrainian peace remains very fragile. NATO, the EU, the West deny that the Russians are withdrawing: they would indeed have strengthened […]


The Wehrmacht anthem at a Zemmour party

The infiltrated journalist – A collaborator of “Le Monde” lived as an activist of the far-right candidate between everyday racism and communication strategies


From the ‘no’ of the anti vax to weapons to attack the Red Jackets

Eleven arrests. The protest of the truckers


Paris demobilized, even Italy away from the counter-terrorism operation

The news had already been anticipated, but yesterday it became official. The Barkhane operation in the Sahel, and consequently the Takuba task force, in which Italy also participates with men and means, will be completed by June. The confirmation came with a joint statement released before the EU-Africa summit: “Due to the multiple impediments of the authorities […]

Online culture

ItsArt, the platform desired by Franceschini changes the third head of the company in just 10 months

Third CEO in less than a year from the launch, which took place in May, for ItsArt, the platform wanted by the Ministry of Culture to sell cultural content online. On February 16, the board of directors of the company, 51% owned by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and 49% by Chili TV (the ministry, despite 10 million […]

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