In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of January 14: All hanging on B. (and his blackmail). Quirinale – Salvini disappears, but then returns

by time news

The interview – Stefano Buffagni

“Silvio al Colle? Elections. We will not end up like Bonucci “

Stefano Buffagni is a deputy, head of the M5S Committee for the Economy, and he is also very Interista. Therefore the post-Super Cup joke is almost inevitable: “The Movement will not end up like Bonucci in Inter-Juventus”. Translated, he will not stay off the pitch watching his team lose. And in the one to which Buffagni alludes […]


Sardinia: nine intensive care places for 850 thousand people

Terror outbreaks in hospitals

Covid-19 – The Omicron wave

Obligation: only 73,000 convinced. School: the Ffp2 only in February

The government has made it a point of honor. The choice not to give in to the requests of many regional presidents to postpone the reopening of schools in the midst of a fourth wave with dizzying numbers was strenuously defended by Prime Minister Draghi and the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi. All good, too bad at the moment […]

The interview – Michele Ainis

“Quirinale, remote voting is the most sensible solution”

Incipit: “If in via del Corso you call ‘President!’ fifteen will turn around ”. Thus begins the “census” that Michele Ainis, constitutionalist of Roma Tre and member of the Antitrust Authority, wrote with Andrea Carboni, Antonello Schettino and Silvia Silverio. Presidents of Italy is, as the subtitle explains, the “Atlas of a national vice”. AND […]


The Tsarina of Gedi feared the prosecutors: “Since I was talking to B …”

The investigation into the illegal early retirement of the group that publishes “Repubblica”

Dear bills

And now Enel is fighting to keep the extra profits

Decree in sight: 2 billion are dancing

Chess game

There is not only Ukraine: the real challenge between NATO and Russia is on the Black Sea

Moscow fears that the West will bring Kiev, Georgia and Moldova to its side: for this reason it wants guarantees

Castagnetti: “On Mattarella annoying flattery, but it resists”

Sergio Mattarella “is resisting” the “troublesome flattery” of those who ask him for an encore at the Quirinale, so as to “not create a dangerous precedent”. Speaking is Pierluigi Castagnetti, several times deputy, former leader of the PPI and above all a great friend of the current President of the Republic, with whom he shared much of the political path. Speaking yesterday a […]

he folder

Fraud, bribes and lies: this is “who is” the real B.

“Forza Seniores” – Other than “hero of freedom”. “Il Giornale” dedicates a page to the self-candidate for the Quirinale: it never mentions the trials, convictions and unfulfilled promises

Senate – The “exchange”

The Open weapon: the latest blackmail in sight of the Colle

Pressing blue Renzi’s fears. The force forces threaten to anticipate the verdict on the Florentine investigation

Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office

Morisi, investigates the money for the house used in Rome

An apartment in the center of Rome also used by Luca Morisi, former head of Matteo Salvini’s Beast, already overwhelmed by a sexual scandal that saw him investigated and then filed by the Verona prosecutor. Among the guests of the house, according to the documents, other faithful of Salvini, all linked to the social machine […]


The healed ghost: story of ordinary “green pazz”

I got Covid for Christmas. When I realized it, with a do-it-yourself test, the pharmacies in Lombardy were already closed for the holidays, finding an appointment for a tampon in those on duty was practically impossible, queuing meant waiting a whole day in the cold, with fever and cough. […]

The maxi-trial

The Cassation: “The Swords are a mafia clan”

The Spada are mafia. This was established by the Court of Cassation in the maxi trial against the clan of the coast of Rome. The proceeding was born from the investigation of the DDA, coordinated by Michele Prestipino with Ilaria Calò and Mario Palazzi, which had led to the arrests carried out as part of the “Eclipse” operation on January 25, 2018. January 12, 2021 […]

Acquired interview

Violence in Milan, complaints from all over Italy are being examined

The scope of the investigation into the violence that took place in Piazza Duomo in Milan on New Year’s Eve could soon expand. Numerous reports and complaints have arrived in recent days in the Prosecutor’s Office from all over Italy from young people who have suffered harassment. Investigators are examining all the alleged new cases and have also acquired a video interview in which […]

“Infected areas”

Wild boars killed by swine fever, the epidemic in the North: “Exports of meat and cured meats at risk”

There is a new health emergency, which concerns wild boars and risks having a heavy impact on the economy. African swine fever (Psa) circulates between Liguria and Piedmont, a viral disease that leads to the death of infected animals in a few days: “The vigilance on biosecurity measures in the domestic sector has been raised to the highest alert level, with […]

The episode on New Year’s Eve 2021

They raped minors. Two arrests in Rome

Three young people received a custody order for raping a 16-year-old during a New Year’s Eve party for the arrival of 2021, in Rome. The boys, between the ages of 19 and 21, are accused of sexual violence and aggravated group sexual violence: two of them ended up under house arrest, while the third was […]

He was sentenced to 19 years

Former fugitive councilor extradited from Romania

The fugitive Gianpaolo Bellavita, former provincial councilor in Bergamo from 1999 to 2004, returned to Italy with a flight from Bucharest, sentenced to a final sentence of 19 years and 8 months for criminal association aimed at fraud, fraud against the EU, issuing of false invoices and money laundering. To bring the fugitive back to Italy […]

Bank of Italy

“Strong price increases also in 2022”

The expensive energy and the delays in the supply of components have raised the prices of the products of Italian companies. An increase that will continue in 2022: this is the summary of the analysis that also arrived yesterday from the Bank of Italy on the basis of a study conducted on companies between November and December of 2021. For Bankitalia, Italian companies […]

Copasir alarm

“Europe risks a blackout”

Skyrocketing prices and geopolitical tensions are a dangerous mix

Family holding

Despite Ilva, from the Benettons renewed confidence in Enrico Laghi

Edition, the holding company of the Benetton group, completes the transition to the second generation of the family and, despite investigations and arrest later revoked for the Ilva affair, confirms the trust in Enrico Laghi, appointed CEO. Yesterday the assembly of the four branches of the family from Ponzano Veneto (Treviso) transformed the company into a spa and appointed the new board […]

Investigations into the offenses

Farewell to Sassoli, the state funeral in Rome today

The state funeral for David Sassoli, exponent and Pd and former president of the European Parliament who died on 11 January last, is scheduled for today at 12, at the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Rome. The highest officials of the Republic and of Europe will be present, while a maxi screen will be set up outside for […]

The case in Trieste

Too many tolls: bells sealed and the archbishop shouts at the regime

As in a Guareschi novel, in Sant’Ulderico a Dolina, a fraction of San Dorligo della Valle, the religious and civil powers play a role. To the inhabitants of the easternmost municipality of northern Italy, the eardrums are thunderstruck to exasperation, due to the bells that hammer the clear air between the Karst and […]

The chicken king fires

Niece, you are out: word of Francesco Amadori

The well-known poultry entrepreneur Francesco Amadori (the one in the advertising claim “Word of Francesco Amadori”) fired his niece Francesca from the homonymous chicken farm. According to what the Cesena edition of the Resto del Carlino writes, Francesca (who had the role of communications manager) had for some time been in tense relations with her grandfather and with the Amadori group […]


Caterpillar closes the Jesi office. Workers occupy the freeway

“Without trembling in the fight, work cannot be touched”, was the slogan sung by about 200 workers of the Caterpillar company, who yesterday occupied one of the two carriageways of the SS76 highway that connects the Marche to Umbria for about an hour. The protest is due to the closure of the Jesi plant of the US multinational, announced last 10 […]

Against protocols

Mass strike by French teachers: “Unmanageable rules on the virus”

French teachers are “exasperated”: while Paris defends its position on face-to-face lessons at all costs, yesterday it was the teachers who blocked the schools. The national mobilization, to which parents’ associations have also joined, is already defined as historic. 75% of the teachers were on strike, according to the unions. At the center of the […]

United Kingdom

Prince Andrew is no longer “His Highness”: for veterans he is “toxic” and dishonors the troops

The son of Queen Elizabeth, the Duke of York, Prince Andrew, dragged into the scandal of the pedophile tycoon Epstein and his lover and accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell by his accuser, Virginia Giuffre, will no longer have military ranks, nor the title of “His Highness real”. This was announced by Buckingham Palace, after the Court of […]


Life imprisonment for the officer who tortured 4,000 prisoners in Syria

Sentenced by a German court, that of the Court of Koblenz, to serve a sentence that will end with the end of his days: the former Syrian colonel Anwar Raslan was found guilty of crimes against humanity for the torture inflicted on four thousand prisoners in the structure prisoner to which everyone referred as “hell on earth”, the prison […]


Macron’s praetorians were paid “in black”

Embarrassing investigation – Mediapart and the president’s campaign in 2017

United Kingdom

BoJo and the Covid party: the Tories also want his resignation

Is Boris Johnson really boiled after weeks of scandals and humiliating admission on Wednesday that he attended a drinking party in Downing Street last May in violation of anti-Covid measures imposed on the rest of the country? In theory, yes. That is, at the moment we do not see how he can escape, politically, now that he has lost […]

The books

Shoah, stumbling upon history like a treasure hunt

“I’m in the wind”: a guide for young and old

The book

Hanya “to Heaven”. Three centuries of hell in New York

Migrants, AIDS, pandemics, regimes: the novel-world of the present

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