In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of March 13: Energy and oil: here are those who speculate on war

by time news

The interview

“Even with a gun, dad wouldn’t have avoided the concentration camp”

Edith Bruck – The surviving writer

The interview

“Sending weapons is ethical only if you can win, otherwise it is useless massacre”

The theologian Severino Dianich


Signs of dialogue, but Putin: “I will hit those who bear arms”

Forward with difficulty

War in Ukraine

Trenches and jackals, the darkest hour in Kiev

The reportage – Russi at the gates. Hate grows, it no longer makes a difference who you are in front of

The interview

“King of the quick change? No, I am a perpetual and creative motion “

Fabrizio Ferrandelli – At 41 he has already changed 8 parties and is now a candidate for Palermo with a calendar


The Museum of the Shoah brakes at the last meter “Giant and unmanageable”

The community is divided, even doubts about Villa Torlonia


Iervolino, editor of l’Espresso, is under investigation for tax fraud

I pm: “Fraudulent declaration through artifices”

No to conflict

Florence, Zelensky with the square “It’s a war against Europe”

The demonstration – Twenty thousand in Santa Croce to ask for peace Controversy between the “not equidistant” (Pd and Cisl) and Cigl-Uil on armaments

Unique thought

The neo D’Annunzio interventionists (from the keyboard) who hate doubts

Opinionists in the trenches

The event in Rome

The two days of Europa Verde: “Draghi rejected”

An appeal for disarmament and a harsh criticism of the energy policies of the Draghi government. Thus opened in Rome the two-day programmatic conference of Green Europe, the political force led by Angelo Bonelli and Eleonora Evi. The event yesterday saw several debates around fifteen programmatic tables on topics such as […]

Yes to the new statute

Conte: “We over the quibbles” Nothing square with the centrists

The lawyer who will be revolted as president in a few days repeats it, even to himself: “Our political project goes beyond quibbles and stamped papers, it cannot remain in the drawer even for a moment”. Giuseppe Conte reiterates this the day after the approval of the amendments to the Statute of the M5S, voted on Friday by the members on the web. Without enthusiasm, […]


Covid, risk of increased intensive care. Son: “From March 31 I will step aside”

“They are holding back the curves of deaths and intensive care admissions.” The alarm – similar to the one launched a couple of weeks ago regarding infections – comes from the mathematician Giovanni Sebastiani of the Institute for the Applications of the Cnr calculation, according to which the number of daily resuscitation entrances (down from many […]

361 days in Sudan

Zennaro in Italy, the father accuses the Farnesina

Marco Zennaro, the 47-year-old businessman forced to stay in Sudan for 361 days, returns home amidst controversy. When the plane headed first to Turkey and then to Italy took off, his father Cristiano made a very harsh statement. “I confirm Marco’s departure from Sudan, the nightmare is finally over. I thank […]

In Nicaragua

Managua chases apostolic nuncio. Vatican protest

The Holy See received “with great surprise and regret” the communication that the Nicaraguan government has decided to withdraw the approval of Msgr. Waldemar Stanislaw Sommertag, apostolic nuncio to Managua since 2018, “forcing him to leave the country immediately after notification of the provision. This measure appears incomprehensible because in the course of its mission […]

Hunt for oligarchs

Nyt: “Putin’s yacht in Marina di Carrara” Trieste, mega boat seized from the tycoon

The US government claims that the yacht stopped in Marina di Carrara could be Vladimir Putin’s. The New York Times wrote yesterday explaining that the boat in question is the Scheherazade, 140 meters long. The news was not confirmed by The Italian Sea Group, where the yacht is stuck for […]

Portuguese citizen

“Abramovich is not Jewish” Rabbi of Porto in handcuffs

One problem after another for Roman Abramovich, whose troubles from London cross Europe and reach Portugal. In Great Britain, the sanctions imposed on him by the British government due to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, have in fact forced the Russian tycoon to sell Chelsea, which he owns. […]

Investigation in Ferrara

Fake vaccines and passes, two doctors arrested

They are accused of having falsified the Green Pass for payment of money and, for this, they were arrested in Ferrara. The protagonists of the story are two doctors and a collaborator of one of the two, stopped by the yellow flames during the operation renamed “Red Pass”. They are accused of simulating the administration of the Covid vaccine and having […]

In Caivano (Naples)

Device against the church of Don Patriciello

A bomb A bomb exploded in the early hours of the morning in front of the church of San Paolo Apostolo in the Parco Verde in Caivano (Naples), where for years Father Maurizio Patriciello has been leading a battle for legality, starting with reporting the disasters in the Land of Fires, and where the Camorra Liberation Committee was born […]

Rome, “New Year’s rape”

“He brought the coca”: De Mita’s nephew under investigation

Simone Maria Ceresani is under investigation. The nephew of the former prime minister Ciriaco De Mita on New Year’s Eve 2021 was in the villa of Primavalle, together with the other 28 people, where alleged sexual violence took place on two underage girls. To bring cocaine and hashish, claims the prosecutor of Rome, it would have been (also) Cerasani. For this he is accused […]

The case

De Luca, half Pd attacks the sheriff On the 23rd the meeting against the third term

Campania Region – After the appeal of the professors to Letta the Deputy Secretary Provenzano moves: “We will deal with it”


The effect in the shopping cart between inflation and psychosis

Rationed – Market attacked, but the products are there, truckers’ strike stopped


Petrol and diesel fuel fly. In line for the full overseas

Families, truckers and businesses on their knees. Cingolani: “Colossal scam”. In 12 months, up to 80% increases, taxes weigh


Everyone against the Mef: “Now we need a new deficit”

It is now a daily trickle. Not only the leaders of parties and trade unions, but also the ministers are publicly calling for a new budget shift. On Friday, for example, it was the Northern League’s proprietor of Development, Giancarlo Giorgetti, who spoke of an intervention necessary to deal with the effects of the crisis on families and businesses. Yesterday it was added […]

Comic matters

Eichmann, God and orgasms: come on, arrest Lenny Bruce!

Zero hair on the tongue

The interview

“It looks like 1914, isolation helps the Kremlin’s strategy”

Giovanni Savino

Other than “winning easy”

The boomerang of the no fly zone

Defending Ukraine – In Iraq, Bosnia and Libya, the superpowers adopted it against countries with low military capacity, leaving then only misery and instability. To propose it against Russia would be a catastrophe

War in Ukraine

Moscow pounds Kiev, accusing: “7 civilians killed, including a child”

Kherson, evidence of annexation. In the occupied city, the Russians would like to create a “people’s republic” like those started in the Donbass between 2014 and 2015

Ko with Scotland

Rugby, 36th consecutive defeat for Italy

New defeat for Italy in the Six Nations rugby tournament: the Azzurri were beaten by Scotland at the Olympic Stadium in Rome for 22-33. Italy scored three goals, with Braley at 29 ‘and Capuozzo at 65’ and 82 ‘, two transformed by Garbisi, who also scored a free kick. Five instead […]

The interview

I never give myself a chance

Vanessa Scalera – The actress who became famous with the television personality of Imma Tataranni, is now in Milani’s latest comedy “Corro da te”


B. Traven, writer of the “mystery” and of the people, is back

His real identity is uncertain 140 years after his birth: one of the most plausible hypotheses credits him as a native of Prussia. One of his works also became a good John Huston film


“Mamma Iole, the ‘Dog’, the war and its songs: this is how I sing and recite the genius of Lucio Dalla”

Ron’s Itsart movie


Kasia Smutniak still wears the “Roman” clothes of Livia Drusilla

The mixed relationship between Francis Ford Coppola and producer Bob Evans during the making of The Godfather will be at the center of Barry Levinson’s next film Francis and the Godfather starring Oscar Isaac as director and Jake Gyllenhaal as producer, joined by Elizabeth Moss in part of Coppola’s wife, […]

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