In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of March 6: Military expenses: we will throw 10 billion more a year

by time news

The interview. Fabio Mini

“It is not yet war. For now it is a battle of propaganda only “

Ten days of fighting

For peace

The square is against weapons The Democratic Party fears the whistles and does not parade

The rainbow flag that is spread on the ground before the start of the procession in Piazza Esedra yesterday in Rome is huge. A sheet that also tries to cover the difficulties and divisions in which the event takes place. On the one hand, there is the people of peace parading to say no to war. More than […]

The conflict in Ukraine. The invasion

Mariupol, the truce is fake. Israel seeks mediation

False departure for the humanitarian corridors of Mariupol and Volnovakha: the truce, agreed on Thursday and which was to serve to evacuate 200,000 and 15,000 people respectively, has been repeatedly violated and, on balance, only a few thousand evacuated. We will try again in the next few hours, when the third round should also take place […]

The interview. Pavel Latushko

“Putin will use Belarus to neutralize sanctions”

With an appeal on social media, then broadcast by the Minsk dissident channels, he addressed “the Belarusian fathers” and “the real men”. Pavel Latushko – former Ambassador and Minister of Culture of Lukashenko until 2012, then fled to Poland at the beginning of the riots in the country in 2020 – continues to repeat to his fellow citizens […]

The Beijing Games

Paralympics, the farce war on athletes’ skin

And then, for those who have not noticed, there is the “rear war” that is played in the territories by definition neutral of sport; a very Sturmtruppen war, like “let’s arm ourselves and go”, where fortunately only small, harmless firecrackers like New Year’s barrels fly. Big surprise protagonist: the IPC, the International Paralympic Committee that to the […]

The interview. Andrea Crisanti

“Good to reopen, but the fragile will be protected for a long time”

Towards the end of the emergency

The interview. Giovanni Impastato

“We will not give the keys to the bailiffs”

“Find a solution. Otherwise it is a defeat of the Anti-Mafia and institutions “


Arms, 5S and Lega: “Parliament must now know”

The mission. The first supplies

Unique thought

Hunting for pro-Russian: Orsini purged

Case. Luiss censors the professor; the appeal of colleagues: “enough McCarthyism”


Threats, scouting and pitfalls. The guerrilla war against Draghi

Divided over everything, the trust node

The interview

“Punitive rule: risk for democracy”

Presumption of innocence. Sergio Sottani, Prosecutor General of Perugia: “senseless law”

Energy crisis

Di Maio (with Eni), mission to Qatar in search of gas

Italy accelerates the search for alternative energy sources to Russian gas: “We are taking action to strengthen our energy cooperation with other countries. We work to increase our gas supplies to avoid any kind of blackmail “, explained Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio who, after Algeria, flew to Qatar together with the CEO […]


First step: 100% stadiums (without pass?)

Capacity. Perhaps already full for the national team on March 24th. We discuss the certification to enter

Asti, 19 million hit

He cheated Pivetti, caught fugitive in the sauna-bunker

To hide from the financial police he had built a bunker. A basement that could be accessed from a sauna through a well-hidden mechanism that could only be operated from the inside. Vincenzo Malvini, 55, at the center of an investigation by the Asti Public Prosecutor’s Office on a 20 million scam against the company of the former President of the Chamber […]

new narcos

Drugs, the fugitive who also read the prosecutor Gratteri in handcuffs

The Gdf found the Calabrian fugitive Giuseppe Campisi, known as “Pino”, in Rome. The drug trafficker, who has already served many years for the mafia, willful murder and extortion, was hiding in an apartment near the Tuscolana where the DDA of Catanzaro, led by Nicola Gratteri, also found a wig that he used to avoid getting […]

Florence, “tax offenses”

Chinese “open and close”. In 42 at risk of trial

The Florence Public Prosecutor’s Office requested the indictment of 42 people, including five professionals from an associated firm based in Sesto Fiorentino (Florence), as part of an investigation into fiscal and tax crimes, coordinated by the deputy prosecutor Luca Tescaroli and by the replacement Fabio Di Vizio, who last July had brought to 29 […]

Denuncia alarm phone

Migrants adrift, Libya does not respond

Two small boats in danger were reported last night in the central Mediterranean by the Alarm Phone. The first boat, with 35 people on board, is located in the Maltese Sar area: “They are asking for help. The authorities are informed but we do not know if a rescue operation has been launched. Rescue immediately ”, writes the NGO on Twitter, reporting another boat […]

Rome, the mayor Pd

Palazzinari and private healthcare: who financed Gualtieri

Contributions. 2 thousand euros from Romiti Jr., 7500 from the Gvm group

The case. Palermo

Errors and deeds disappeared: so the Impastato house returns to the Badalamenti

The decision of the Assize Court: the confiscated property will have to be returned to the family of the boss who ordered the journalist to be killed

War economy

The price of the crisis in the East: for Italy it will be a disaster

Damage estimate. Using the Mef metric, the leap in oil alone cuts GDP by 1.6%: then there are gas, raw materials, exports to Moscow & C.

Public accounts

EU ties suspended even in 2023: will the next “Pact” be one of war?

Towards the recession. The official decision in May

Viale MAzzini

“We are in the hands of the priest-eaters”: the discontent of religious programs mounts in Rai

Discontent has been brewing for weeks and the complaints would have reached the Vatican. With the release of some personage who acts as a link between Viale Mazzini and the Holy See. Since the gender directions were created and their respective directors appointed, in mid-December, the religious programs of Rai, […]

The former minister

Goodbye Martino, Forza Italia card number 2

Antonio Martino, economist and former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense in the Berlusconi governments, died at the age of 79. Martino was one of the founders of Forza Italia and member number 2 of the party. He was a member of parliament continuously for 24 years, from 1994 to 2018. Born in Messina in 1942, he taught history and politics […]

Next to the mayor Pd

Turin, chaos over the appointment of the head of the Esposto cabinet. M5S at Anac: “he had no requirements”

There is a first grain for Stefano Lo Russo, the new dem mayor of Turin. The M5S group leader Andrea Russi presented an interpellation to the city council and a complaint to the Anac against the appointment – which he considers irregular – as head of cabinet of Valentina Campana, former coordinator of the electoral campaign. According to Russi, the municipal announcement required […]

Mattarella’s message

“Pasolini’s lesson is still very useful”

“Pier Paolo Pasolini has left an important mark on Italian culture and his lesson continues to speak to us with the sharp language of his writings and images, with the absolute originality of his visions, with that attention to marginality – a distinctive feature of his work – which expressed in him a desire for human fullness ”. […]

Comic matters

1950-1960, Lenny Bruce dai talk alla Carnegie Hall

The king of stand-up comedy

The siege

Among the refugees of Odessa, the city built by the Italians

In the first capital of Romania, tall gray Soviet-style barracks alternate with beautiful historic buildings. One of these is the Moldova hotel, three stars, full of Ukrainian refugees almost all of medium-low extraction, being the rich in those with 4 and 5 stars or even in the spas of other more developed European nations. […]


The Russians flee to Helsinki: they fear hunger and repression

The border that Russia and Finland share is 1340 kilometers long. From the Vaalimaa crossing point, at the border, it takes a couple of hours by car to drive 187 kilometers to the capital, Helsinki. It is being trafficked by more and more Russian citizens who are currently abandoning Putin’s Federation, where […]


Oligarchs to be punished, but calmly

Britain affects far fewer people and societies than the EU

War in Ukraine

For Putin, Kiev is only part of the empire

The lectio alla “Normale”. The enlargement of the EU and the expansion of NATO to the east have fueled hostile reactions that the West has ignored. The attack on democracies also takes place from within them

“Protection and freedom”

Russian diktat, Rai and Mediaset withdraw their journalists

Rai withdraws its journalists from Moscow. Like several large broadcasters (Bbc, Cnn, Zdf and others), Viale Mazzini has also chosen to bring back its correspondents after the crackdown on information decided by the Duma. Under the new rules, anyone who disseminates information about the war deemed false by the regime risks up to 15 years […]

The interview. Morena Zapparoli

“She was the mistress of the minister’s wife. The whistles to Paoli and the four broken fingers … “

She is the widow of Gianfranco Funari who would have turned 90 on 21 March

On stage

“Everyone’s Talking About Jamie,” (drag) queen of the musical

On Tuesday at the Brancaccio in Rome the show, already multi-award-winning in cinema and theater, debuts on the true story of Campbell: from sixteen year old bullied to diva “en travesti” on heel 15


Giancarlo Narciso, the Italian Jack London from contraband to adventure novels

The author and globetrotting reporter


Lee Curtis makes an environmental horror, Leo recites “Mia”

Jamie Lee Curtis will make his directorial debut directing for Comet Pictures and Blumhouse Films Mother Nature, an environmental horror based on a graphic novel she wrote with screenwriter Russell Goldman and artist Karl Stevens, which will be released this fall. The popular 63-year-old actress revealed from the Halloween series chose to tell the story […]

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