In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano on April 26: “It’s too early: we risk many deaths and a fourth wave”

by time news

But do me the pleasure of Marco Travaglio

The Renzomachea Ethics. “Renzi on the board of the Saudi prince. Parliament is studying a code of ethics ”(Stampa, 24.4). Obviously the Saudi Parliament. The Supersaw. “Andrea Agnelli: ‘Pact of blood, the Super League will go on'” (Maurizio Molinari, Repubblica, first edition, 21.4). “Andrea Agnelli: ‘The Super League will go on, we will negotiate with UEFA'” (Maurizio Molinari, Repubblica, second edition, 21.4). Comment on social media: […]

The April 25 of Draghi

“We weren’t all ‘good people’: you always need to choose”

We publish the speech given by the Prime Minister at the historical museum of the Liberation of Rome in via Tasso. I thank you for inviting me, but above all for this very moving visit. We see the daily suffering of a defenseless people, without freedom, without food, in terror, through these photos, these posters, these alarms, these threats. This […]

of Mario Draghi

The intervention

A very gray “green revolution” full of holes (not for Eni and Snam)

What’s wrong – Public transport, renewable energy, waste cycle, water and much more

of Angelo Bonelli

The reportage – Ethiopia between feuds and scandals

Purged the Blue Helmets of the Tigray: And the UN pretends not to know

The United Nations is at the center of a scandal in Ethiopia. For weeks, the UN has been alerting the massacres in the Tigray region, where the federal army of Addis Ababa and the Eritrean army are fighting against the Popular Front for the Liberation of Tigray (FLPT). But, at the same time, the organization is silently witnessing the “purge” within itself […]

of Fanny Pigeaud


Green Finance Isn’t Green: BlackRock’s Environmentalism

Case study – Larry Fink’s fund, the largest in the world, is presented as if it were the WWF: in 2020 it had 85 billion invested in coal and no limitations on oil, gas and drilling

The interview – Fausto Bertinotti

“Matteo like me in ’98? Prodi has an obsession … “

“Here we are in the field of obsessions”. Fausto Bertinotti responds to Romano Prodi and uncomfortable categories of psychoanalysis. The professor had called him into question to describe Matteo Salvini’s fibrillation in the Draghi government: the Northern League has “bertinottized”, says the former Prime Minister of the Olive. Bertinotti laughs about it: “He had already made this joke in Renzi’s time. […]

The anniversary

The blood of the “heretical” partisans despised by the PCI of Togliatti

Liberation – Forgotten anti-fascists – The “Red Star” group

of Massimo Novelli

The Interview – Carolyn Carlson

“Those who govern us do not understand that art repairs the living”

April 29 is the Day of Dance. The choreographer: “We have the task of exorcising the feelings that the pandemic triggers”

of Angelo Molica Franco


Salvini crushes his government: “The curfew must be canceled”

Matteo Salvini waited for midnight on April 25th. But not to celebrate the 76th anniversary of the Liberation from Nazi-Fascism: to ask for the “liberation” from anti-covid restrictions. And launch, with a direct Facebook night, a petition that invites citizens to sign against the measures approved by the government of which the League is a part. In […]

“Report” in Veneto

Tests, hospitals and asymptomatic: Zaia disaster in the fall

Report returns to Veneto and tells of the second wave, that of autumn, very violent after the first had been managed with good results. Luca Zaia – the capable Northern League player, other than Salvini and the Lombard disasters – had been re-elected in September with a stratospheric 78.79%. But then the virus killed 7,000 […]

of A. Man.

The knots of the Pnrr -All critical points for the majority

The ‘divisive’ plan arrives in the Chamber. “The EU had it before us”

A breakthrough race, between councils of night ministers and not exactly conciliatory phone calls on the Rome-Brussels axis. But the government has dropped the cards: Italy has its own Recovery Plan. The text around which the entire power operation that brought Mario Draghi to Palazzo Chigi was built will be illustrated in Parliament between today (Camera) […]

of Fq

Evelina Christillin – The Lady of the Lambs

“Andrea doesn’t move from there, but the fool was planetary”

It does not cook, it does not iron, it does not wash. No sir. Juventina affluent but currently in mourning. The figure was unfortunately planetary. Enormously contiguous to the Agnelli family. Those who hated me or just disliked me called me “the lady of the Lambs”, to signal my excessive familiarity and to foreshadow, as is customary, the undeserved favor. Gossips have no age, […]

Do you know the latest?

Wyoming Pursued by a bear while jogging, he convinces him: “I’m not your food” Good morning Wyoming. On a street in Grand Teton National Park, a jogging boy was followed by a large brown bear. The plantigrade showed a clear interest in the young human, perhaps looking forward to a breakfast […]

Stones & people – Idea for the rich: escape from the poor

All the Super Leagues of Italy: regions, museums and universities

Even for those who, like me, know nothing about football, the amazing meteor of the Super League appears very interesting. First, because its epilogue confirms the crucial political role that this mass entertainment still plays: in the instantaneity with which government leaders such as Johnson, Macron and Draghi intervened to block this further involution of the system. […]

Other places

Fatah and Hamas. Other than Israel, the Palestinians spy on each other

Fatah and Hamas go to war, but this time instead of putting their hands on the Kalashnikov they put computer keyboards into action. Facebook has disabled accounts used by the Preventive Security Service – the Palestinian Authority’s internal intelligence – used to spy on journalists, human rights activists and political opponents in the West Bank, Gaza, Syria […]

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