In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano on February 28: besieged Putin threatens Armageddon

by time news

But do me the favor Di Marco Travaglio

Sticazzi Agency. “Tam tam da Arcore: Silvio is getting married” (Libero, 22.2). “Berlusconi, wedding rumors with Fascina” (Corriere della sera, 23.2). “Ilary & Totti, the sunset of a love” (Stampa, 22.2). “The incredulous bookmakers: ‘They will stay together’”, “Noemi, Totti’s alleged flame: ‘Galeotto was that padel’” (Messaggero, 23.2). “The captain and the queen: the consequences of lack of love” (Gabriele Romagnoli, […]

Antonio d’Andrea

“We respect the Constitution: no troops, help only with the EU”

How far can we go with the interpretation of that expression – “Italy repudiates war” – the founding principle of the Republic? Article 11 of the Constitution commits our country to stay away from conflicts also “as a means of resolving international disputes”. Translated: “no troops in Ukraine”, says the constitutionalist of the University of Brescia Antonio D’Andrea. A position recalled by the Association […]

The reaction

The EU sends arms to Kiev and cuts funds in Moscow

The move – Europe tightens sanctions and also extends them to Belarus. Yes to the sending of “lethal goods” for the resistance: “We want Ukraine in the Union”


The “Italian gas” ran out because Eni dried up the Adriatic

At the beginning of the 90s the colossus was grinding enormous profits thanks to the “exclusive reserve”. To go public, it squeezed the fields to give dividends and make future shareholders happy


Government in the trenches: missiles to Ukraine and ok to coal

Draghi hears Berlusconi – Today on the CDM – Green light for the reopening of the plants and aid against the invasion. Salvini dissociates himself: “Better look for a comparison”

Turkey and the Ukrainian crisis

The sultan acts as a tightrope walker between Putin and the West

Erdogan on the rope – The president sells drones in Kiev but buys missiles from the Tsar. On the Donbass, he cannot afford to pull too hard: in a phase of economic crisis, Russian tourism and food are important

Stones & People

The war in addition to the bodies violates thoughts and words

We need the rebellion of language – The Russian poet Lev Rubinštejn “And the war that is taking place in Ukraine is not even called war. They call it only a military operation ”


With the Borghi Plan we risk throwing away 1 billion for nothing

Pnrr – Three types of interventions all with different criticalities, but the first of 420 million infuriated even the mayors: “Let’s stop them”

Paul Teesalu

“Now Putin scares us: if he attacks Estonia, we will rely on NATO”

The ambassador to Italy: “We fear that the war will spread. We need help “

The funds

Pnrr calls, research in alarm: “Few projects for a few”

Scientists: “Avoid maxi ropes”

Status and hiring

Strange contests. The interview is worth more than 3 times the qualifications

In 2021, the Ministry of Culture had begun to entrust external professionals with VAT numbers to tasks that would belong to ministerial officials, such as that of sole head of the procedure. A trend that with the funds of the PNRR has only accelerated: the last call in order of time expired on Friday 25 February and was looking for a […]

The “new barbarians”

Sport in the hands of “private equity”: a double-edged sword

The purchase of 55% of Atalanta is only the latest act. Funds can improve financial performance, but they have one goal: to resell, for money, in 10 years

Savings betrayed

Inflation. Savings & pensions: because it is not always valid that the more you spend, the less you spend

In the past, only commissions were paid on investments and any disinvestments, usually 0.5-0.7% for fixed income or shares. Then some realized that it was possible to scrape money off customers all the time, day in and day out. It was enough to convince them to put their savings into management, rather than go it alone. Here because […]

Under the bombs

Kiev does not give up. Molotov cocktails and bunker against invaders

Among the young Ukrainians in arms – Infiltrators report the location of gas pipelines

Helen White

“The Tsar will never stop. It has already happened in Georgia “

“Putin invaded Ukraine using a false pretext and taking advantage of the weaknesses of the West just as he did in 2008 with Georgia. The strategy is the same. Unfortunately, the West was unable to draw lessons from that episode. They could do it at least now, thinking of a Europe of defense. Actually Putin is furious that Ukraine is inexorably escaping from […]


Dnipro, bombs on the city defended by veterans, women and children

There is a rush to war and the resistance of Dnipro does not lose heart. Citizens also collected basic necessities to send to the soldiers and all the displaced people of this terrible conflict. Maria is sixteen years old and together with her friend Polina came early in the morning to the press center set up in the […]

In Germany

100 billion in bombs and pacifists in the streets

The German turning point – The Chancellor rearms the army, while 500,000 people march for peace

Humanitarian aid

Fq for Soleterre: reader funds help children in four hospitals

I want to sincerely thank all the people who have donated to the Foundation of the Daily Done. You have allowed us to continue to supply three hospital centers that have become four in the last few days. The first is the National Cancer Institute of Kiev, where we treat solid tumors and where 15 children who […]

Other places

Swiss. Those secret accounts of kings, dictators and 007

Everyone swears – at least the living – that those black funds that suddenly jumped out of the Credit Suisse leak were part of personal fortunes or the fruit of a series of very profitable deals. Some 18,000 accounts were found in the data leak from the Swiss banking giant, opened over decades […]

The year of mystical thinking. An (unpublished) almanac by Tolstoy

“Resurrection”, but not revolution: Christ, Socrates and Confucius say so

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