In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano on October 30th: The divanist is Renzi: absent 2 times out of 3. Not only Zan

by time news

Florence. The investigation of the prosecutors

Open, Gdf finds Mr. Moby’s proposal to Renzi for 1.5%

The draft. In the end, the agreement did not end: it provided for a share on the investments and revenues brought by Digistart, which was then closed

The interview. Cristiano Gori

“The rules in action do not improve the DRC: they only punish the poor”

The scenario is paradoxical. The 5Stelle speak of a narrow escape due to the changes to the Citizenship Income approved in the maneuver. “It could have been worse” is the sense. On the other hand, experts on anti-poverty measures are worried. “They do not address any of the main problems of the DRC and are inspired by a punitive logic of the poor”, explains Cristiano Gori, professor […]

Avezzano (AQ)

The field hospital arrives a year after the emergency

Figliuolo’s ok this summer

Tomorrow the UN summit

Climate crisis over + 2.7C ° the planet does not hold up. Heating, pollution and inequalities

The goal of limiting the increase to +1.5 C ° is almost lost, even the new one is at risk. Without mega efforts it will be catastrophe

COVID-19. Monitoring

Virus, RT returns to top 1 Hospitalizations no longer drop

The increase in the reproduction rate is not due to the increase in tampons. Hospitals under control, but the curve rises

He “cast”

The war begins in the polls. All the men of Tripoli

Among the candidates a comedian and a former ambassador, but Saif, the son of Gaddafi, could also return

The documentary

Montecitorio, epic of bad luck

An unfortunate building, amidst failed projects and fierce criticism

The deal

Sicily, the loving senses between Renziani and Carfagna: “Mara you are extraordinary”

The Leopolda of Pharaoh

The Rome Summit

G20, Draghi tampons Biden to be the most faithful ally

Themes. Climate, NATO, the fight against the pandemic and the relaunch of the economy: after Merkel, the Italian premier “key interlocutor” for the States

The meeting

The Potus meets the Pope: a conversation on viruses and poverty

Joe Biden is “a good Catholic” and must continue to receive Communion; indeed it should, because the bishops’ conference of the United States, whose leaders are ‘anti-Francis’ and’ pro-Trump ‘, wants to deny it. Biden thus finds in the Vatican, in the Pope’s words, the “blessing” that his bishops deny him. The meeting between Bergoglio and Biden, the […]


5S: “Now on par with the dem”. But half the Democratic Party wants Renzi back

The Nuovo Ulivo di Letta causes quarrels and tensions

Students in Bergamo

They shout at him: “Duce”. And the headmaster replies with the Roman salute

They greeted the speech of the principal Giuseppe Di Giminiani to the graduates shouting “Duce! Duce! Duce! “. And the director of the “Antonio Locatelli” naval aeronautical institute in Bergamo, from the top of the school entrance stairway, answered the boys with what appears to be a Roman greeting. The episode was filmed and the video was published by Wired ed […]

The 007 convicted

Mancini must return 20 thousand euros to the “Done”

Marco Mancini has not been vilified by the Fatto Quotidiano. For this reason, the judge of the Civil Court of Appeal of Bologna sentenced the former manager of the SISMI to return the € 20,000 obtained after a favorable first instance sentence, and to pay a total of € 7,000 in legal costs. It was decided on […]

Massacre of Mottarone

Cable car, worker denounced: “Little security”. The owner: “You will no longer work within 300 km”

“I refuse to take charge of car number three, as in my opinion there are no necessary safety requirements. I ask for the operation manager to intervene to discuss the current situation ”. Between 27 and 28 May 2019 – two years before cabin 3 of the Mottarone cable car did […]

They were 26 and 27 years old

Mistaken for 20-year-old thieves who were killed in Herculaneum

Thursday evening two young people were killed while they were in their car in Herculaneum, in the Neapolitan area, because they were mistaken for thieves. Giuseppe Fusella (26 years old) and Tullio Pagliaro (27 years old), originally from Portici and both uncensored, were chatting in the car after watching the Napoli game in a nearby bar in the company of […]

The “reform” Fuortes

Rai, Usigrai: “The government will control the talks. Journalists’ independence is at risk “

The idea of ​​the super director who will have to supervise the Rai investigations envisaged by the industrial plan of the ad Carlo Fuortes and told yesterday by the fact worries the Usigrai, the journalists’ union of Viale Mazzini. The project is to appoint a single manager, chosen by the CEO, who gives the editorial line and acts as the sole director […]

The worker was 49 years old

Struck by a branch, he dies in the Royal Palace of Caserta

He was pruning one of the trees that make up the natural heritage of the Royal Palace of Caserta when he was hit by a branch. Thus died Mohamed Hasdi, 49 years old, Moroccan, employee of a company in charge of the maintenance of the Royal Park. The man, regularly hired, was considered an expert worker. The tragedy occurred shortly after 15, when […]

“Pasini destroyed the body”

Killed and burned her friend. Acquitted for the murder

Acquitted for killing her, but convicted of destroying her body. This is the sentence of the judges of the Assize Court of Cremona for Alessandro Pasini, acquitted of the murder charge of Sabrina Beccalli “because the fact does not exist”. Prosecutor Lisa Saccaro’s thesis was that Pasini, Beccalli’s longtime friend, would kill Beccalli later […]

the air force specifies

Hunt near the Cermis. “They were Belgians, not the US”

The planes flew low over the skies of Val di Fiemme, in Trentino on 28 October, they would belong to the Belgian Air Force and not the United States, as had been initially thought. This was announced by the Air Force, explaining that no Italian military aircraft “was in flight in these areas on the day and at the times indicated”. The news […]

The murdered chef

Madeddu, the murderer confesses “He had a story with my wife”

The murder of Alessio Madeddu, 52-year-old chef from Teulada (Cagliari), is due to a crime of impetus. Angelo Brancasi, 43, baker, repeatedly stabbed Alessio Madeddu, because the fisherman chef who became famous for having participated in the tv show of chef Alessandro Borghese, “4 Restaurants” and found dead on Thursday morning in front of his restaurant Sabor’e Mari, in locality […]

Here berlin

Germany is in full swing: 35 percent are not vaccinated

Epidemiologists at the Robert Koch Institute have been repeating the same phrase for weeks: “We must expect a growth in infections in autumn and winter”. But the numbers are starting to scare. Yesterday the new positives were 25 thousand, with an increase of over 45% compared to last week. The data are similar to those of last Christmas, […]

Balance. The first of Draghi

Mallet on construction: this is how bonuses and super bonuses are hit

Knockback. In addition to the squeeze, the possibility of assigning credits has been eliminated. Bad moods 5S Fraccaro: “The measure is dead, it must be changed immediately. Disaster for the sector ”

He folder

Taxes, the cut is small and rewards those who are better off

Reducing the tax wedge is a leitmotif of all governments of the Second Republic and Draghi is no exception. But the 2022 Budget Law will not bring a heavier paycheck for most employees. The $ 8 billion tax cut the government announced is set to […]

Climate conference

China, India and even the USA: COP has the perfect alibis

All in Glasgow. The big polluters don’t move


Another reporter killed: so far nine victims in 2021

One shot and straight to the head. Reached by a hitman on his way home, journalist Fredy Lopez Arevalo, in San Cristobal de Las Casas, in the southern state of Chiapas, died two nights ago, a few steps from his home. The killer, who surprised the reporter while emptying the trunk, has […]

London calling

Churchill, the return of the last lion

October 1951. Seventy years ago he was recalled to Downing Street while London was experiencing its first Brexit: leaving the superpower club. Life, vices, “blood and sweat” of a giant still very controversial today

The interview

I am now an unknown actor

Silvio Orlando and the return to cinema. “I haven’t made films for 5 years”

The Film to see

“Anne’s Choice”. Wrong title, but “right” work

Audrey Diwan’s Choice of Anne


“Maid”, all about his mother fleeing violence

American drama with an excellent cast: protagonist Qualley, daughter of art (of McDonald’s), launched by Tarantino

theater and art

Dance in the bedroom with “Ginger and Fred”

Sensitivity is overestimated, in the theater then … Yet, there are still those who dare to say: “What an effort to be sensitive, what an obstacle to intelligence”. Let alone stupidity. These are the results if we treat “the dressing room as one’s own bedroom”: the latest work by Daria Deflorian and Antonio Tagliarini is self-referential to the limits of influence; in fact, what do the spectator care about […]

The character

Kubrick “Through a different lens”: the photographer born before the director

Who shared the set with Stanley Kubrick (1928-99) says that he was a director who was able to spend hours studying a shot, taking care of the details of the image: the perspective, the lighting, the position of the actors and objects. . Therefore, if each of his films can be admired as an album of shots, it is because before The Shining e […]

DC (After Christie)

Thilliez, the engineer of the French thriller “builds” another perfect puzzle

Julie Moscato was swallowed by the woods on a day in March 2008. Her father Gabriel was a gendarme from Sagas, a small town in the Savoy region. Gabriel returns here from the north, from Lille, in November 2020. He goes to sleep in a gloomy hotel overlooked by huge rocks, where his daughter worked. He wakes up at two o’clock […]


“Only the idea of ​​suicide makes life worthy”

Fernando Aramburu, a Basque writer consecrated by the success of Patria – a choral novel about two families torn apart by the terrorist parable of the ETA – returns to the bookstore with seven hundred pages that, along the streets of Madrid, sublimate Camus’s famous assumption in a narrative slant: ” There is only one really serious philosophical problem, suicide ”. The swifts, that […]

In other words

“I hardly know one rule: you have to be good, c …”

Kurt Vonnegut Writer

The tasting

The market can be restructured: as if we were renovating “Downton Abbey”

Borrows The Future of an Illusion by Sigmund Freud, Fred L. Block in his approach to capitalism. In the case of the founder of psychoanalysis, the illusion was represented by religions that “tell invented stories that hinge on some of the most direct psychological conflicts in human existence”. And there are many invented stories in today’s capitalism […]

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