In order to have a stable, lasting and balanced peace agreement, Nagorno-Karabakh should also be included in the document, but it is important that the parties themselves come to an agreement. Louis Bono

by time news

In order for Armenia and Azerbaijan to have a stable, long-term and balanced peace treaty, the NK issue should also be included in the document, stated the American co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, the senior adviser of the US State Department on negotiations in the South Caucasus, Louis Bono. “Freedom”in the interview.

The excerpt from the interview is below.

«Freedom»Is the United States ready to take over mediation of the dialogue between Baku and Stepanakert? If so, in what capacity?

Louis Bono – Our role in this process is not mediation. We are not here to impose a text, to wrap conditions around the neck of either side. What we are trying to do is facilitate peace. I mean, we want the parties themselves to work out the text and the terms and agree on them together. They must work on it together, because any lasting, sustainable and balanced peace must come from both sides. It cannot come from a third party, from outside.

«Freedom»But let me remind you that in the last few months, Yerevan claims that the most important issue is to address the security and rights of Armenians living in Karabakh. Is Washington considering launching such a mechanism to ensure this? If so, what are the possible options?

Louis Bono. – We think this is very important. I don’t deny it. To have a stable, lasting and balanced peace agreement, it must include Nagorno Karabakh. And we are committed to getting it done. We recognize its importance.

«Freedom». – But can you mention any mechanism?

Louis Bono – I am not authorized to discuss the mechanism now. I’m new to this post, just a few weeks. This is my first trip to the region. And I am involved in my first negotiations with the parties after Munich.

«Freedom». – And when you say that the Karabakh problem will be reflected in the peace agreement, I wonder what Washington or the parties, Yerevan and Baku, have in mind, how it will happen.

Louis Bono. – First of all, Nagorno Karabakh will be a part of the peace process. I think both sides recognized that. But, as I said earlier, we are not here to impose conditions on any agreement or arrangement. It is important that the parties themselves come to an agreement. And we will work with both sides. President Aliyev said in Munich that he will appoint someone who will cooperate with the representatives of Karabakh. I think it already happened last week. And during the conversation with me, he mentioned that he is ready to continue those discussions. So we are optimistic that we can work with the parties in that direction. But it won’t be easy. It will require a lot of hard work and commitment from all parties.

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