In Paris, a centrist elected official indicted for drug trafficking and possession of child pronographic images

by time news

Nicolas Jeanneté, director of the Nouveau Center-Les Centristes party and adviser to the town hall of Paris, was indicted on Friday March 24 in particular for drug trafficking and consultation of child pornography images, learned Agence France-Presse from a judicial source. . He was presented to an examining magistrate, who indicted him for possession, acquisition, transport, offer or sale of narcotics and possession, importation, habitual consultation of child pornography images. He was placed under judicial supervision.

According The Parisian on Tuesday, investigators discovered hundreds of child pornography images on the elected official’s computer equipment during a search of his home.

The Parisian revealed in recent days the placement in police custody on Monday of Mr. Jeanneté, 57, arrested by the police of the narcotics squad on suspicion of resale, during parties « chemsex », narcotics purchased on the Internet. THE « chemsex » is the consumption of synthetic drugs such as 3MMC or GHB to increase sexual pleasure, excitement or endurance.

Among the whistleblowers in the face of this increasing practice is Nicolas Jeanneté himself, whose anti-drug prevention speech, during municipal councils, appears out of step with the facts of which he is accused. “Despite one of the strongest repressions in Europe, France remains the country where the consumption of cannabis, cocaine and synthetic drugs is one of the highest”denounced the elected official on March 1 again, supporting: “a real drug policy = prevention + repression + treatment”écrit The Parisian.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The “chemsex”, sex under drugs, is today a question of public health

The preliminary investigation for drug trafficking and money laundering has been open since August 2022, confirmed the Paris prosecutor’s office, on a report from Tracfin, the anti-money laundering organization of Bercy. “The intelligence service was alerted by the numerous suspicious financial flows emanating from the accounts of the politician”, still reports The Parisian.

« Consternation »

Officials Les Républicains (LR) and related to the Council of Paris, where Mr. Jeanneté is elected, indicated Monday evening that they had suspended him as a precaution. “It is with dismay that the Changer Paris group has learned of the placement in police custody of one of its members with regard to charges that contravene the values ​​defended by our group”the political group tweeted on Monday.

Philippe Goujon, LR mayor of 15e district, where this centrist official is located, also indicated on Monday that he had withdrawn from Mr. Jeanneté his delegation for public tranquility, prevention and the municipal police.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Paris, the municipal police take shape

The World with AFP

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