In Paris, Anne Hidalgo loses a new deputy

by time news

Six months after the departure of Célia Blauel, an important assistant to the municipal team, Anne Hidalgo loses a new member of her team at the Paris City Hall. Jacques Galvani, 53, deputy in charge of people with disabilities, has just handed over his mandate to the socialist councilor. “The end of my mission as deputy must still be ratified by the prefect of Ile-de-France, specifies the person concerned. It should take effect by the end of the month, and at the latest at the next Council of Paris, at the beginning of July. »

The departure of Jacques Galvani is not linked to a political disagreement, rather to his wish to return full-time to the business world, after a foray into politics. “It’s a matter of workload”, he summarizes.

In 2020, this enarque of the same promotion as Edouard Philippe, a time secretary general of the think tank Les Gracques, had acceded to his first political mandate. Elected councilor of Paris on the list of Anne Hidalgo in the 18e district, he had been appointed deputy in the process. This former McKinsey, Lagardère and Casino had then maintained a professional activity in an innovation firm, Schoolab, which he considered compatible with his role as an elected official.

But since January, Jacques Galvani has become managing director of Atlante, a heavier responsibility. This new subsidiary of the NHOA group, which itself belongs to Taiwan Cement Corporation, one of the main Taiwanese industrial conglomerates, wants to install a network of fast charging stations for electric vehicles. Objective: 35,000 terminals installed in Europe by 2030. For now, everything remains to be done, and Jacques Galvani’s first mission is to set up the team.

“It’s extremely demanding work. he explains. It was no longer reasonable to conduct it at the same time as my assistant position, especially since with the approach of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, accessibility is becoming an increasingly heavy subject. It’s not lightheartedly, but I informed Anne Hidalgo that I had to slow down. » If he intends to remain an adviser to Paris, and participate in the councils which are held every month and a half, he no longer thinks it possible to keep his role as deputy.

Restore political momentum

On the occasion of this departure, Anne Hidalgo plans to reshuffle her team. In July 2020, just after his re-election as mayor of Paris, the socialist city councilor unveiled an extra-long list of thirty-seven deputies, a subject of mockery for the opposition. Since then, four of these deputies have already left their posts. Anne Hidalgo first dismissed her culture manager and friend Christophe Girard, implicated for his links with the writer accused of pedophile acts Gabriel Matzneff. Then the deputy in charge of the Seine, Pierre Aidenbaum, was forced to resign after accusations of rape, in November 2020. In November 2021, the former ecologist Célia Blauel, in charge of the Paris 2030 prospective, chose to leave her position, which she considered too heavy. The following month, finally, the deputy in charge of Europe, Hermano Sanches Ruivo, resigned from his functions after the opening of an investigation for suspicions of money laundering of tax evasion.

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