In Paris, last issue for the municipal bulletin born in 1882

by time news

It will be a « collector », people are already smiling in the halls of the Hôtel de Ville. Tuesday, June 28, the Official Bulletin of the City of Paris will have its very last issue, both on paper and in its digital version. A remarkable disappearance. For one hundred and forty years, the municipal bulletin of the first city of France had never missed the call.

This time, it is well and truly finished with this publication which, every Tuesday and Friday, brought together around fifty official announcements: the orders issued by Anne Hidalgo and those of the prefect of police, the agenda of the municipal council, the temporary bans on parking in such and such a street, the positions to be filled at the Town Hall, the criticisms of the Old Paris commission with regard to urban planning projects, or even the list of the latest paintings acquired by city ​​museums. A day-to-day reflection of municipal life and its ups and downs. All these documents will now be accessible on a new digital portal.

The first Parisian municipal bulletin was released on July 12, 1882. Just in time to announce the inauguration, the next day, of the new Town Hall, rebuilt after having been burned down during the Commune, and to give the program of the July 14 festivities. : “Venetian festival on the Seine. Concerts of military music on the illuminated steamboats. » From the start, the Bulletin also provides a faithful account of the debates of the municipal council, whose sessions only become public with the law of July 5, 1886. In November 1886, it is also in this daily that the authorization given to the government to build the Eiffel Tower on City land.

Since Bulletin, a long time daily, before becoming a bi-weekly, had never ceased publication. Even during wars. With its posting on the Internet, it found a new audience, while paper enthusiasts became more rare. Over the years, the printing was reduced to 350 copies, then to only 60.

First color photos in 2020

In 2020, the first confinement was harsh. the Official Bulletin of the City of Paris continued to be posted on the Internet, but the print version was suspended for a few days, and one issue was reduced to four pages. Unheard of since the one that followed the Liberation. Two and a half months later, on July 3, 2020, the pagination rose, on the contrary, to 232 pages, with the result of the municipal elections, the signing delegations, etc. Then in November, the so rich but so austere Bulletin hosted its first color photos, to present the Gare du Nord modernization project.

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