In Pisa, heart collection from a heart-dead donor – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – FLORENCE, SEPTEMBER 24 – A heart harvest from a donor with a non-cardiac heart, the first ever in Tuscany, was carried out in August at the University Hospital of Pisa. The transplant, explains the Region, “was a success” and the person “who received the organ is in good clinical conditions and has been discharged from the hospital. All the recipients are in good conditions and already at home, given that together with the heart, the liver and kidneys were also harvested and transplanted”.
The operation was possible “thanks to the work of the professionals of the Tuscany transplant network and to the integration with the national network: the team of the Heart Transplant Center of the Padua hospital, with which the Siena Heart Transplant Center has been collaborating for many years, participated in the collection. The collection took place at the Cisanello hospital in Pisa when the presence of a young potential donor with a non-cardiac heart who had expressed his consent to donate his organs during his lifetime was verified. The Region, the Regional Transplant Center and AOU Pisa worked to support the local transplant coordination of the hospital, the intensive care units and all the professionals involved in the donation process. In agreement with the National Transplant Center, the contribution of the Padua Center was requested, whose team came to Pisa to carry out the collection. Controlled non-cardiac heart donation has already been used in Tuscany for some years for kidneys and livers. Since May 2023, in Italy it has also become possible to collect hearts with this technique: so far, around thirty heart transplants have been carried out thanks to non-cardiac heart donors. stopped.
Governor Eugenio Giani and Councilor Simone Bezzini first thanked the young donor and his family, whose generosity allowed “the lives of four people to be saved”. The collection carried out represents “an example of excellence in our health system. Thanks therefore also go to all the organizations that allowed the four transplants to be carried out, confirming the quality of the organization and clinical governance of the transplant system”, namely the National Transplant Center and the Tuscan Regional Center, the Heart Transplant Center of Padua, the Regional Liver Transplant Center and the Kidney Transplant Center of Pisa, all the professionals involved at AOU Pisa. “In particular, applause goes to the work carried out by the Local Donation and Transplant Coordination of Pisa, to Paolo Maremmani, to Annarosa Saviozzi and their collaborators”. (ANSA).

2024-09-25 01:27:34

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