In Puerto Varas, the “Safe Summer” plan was launched

by time news

86 officials will arrive in the region for the summer season, in addition to the 40 graduates this week who are joining units in the province and the 75 new vehicles received in 2022.

Under a radiant sun on the Puerto Varas waterfront, the Carabineros, together with the Regional Presidential Delegation, launched the “Safe Summer” plan, which will be the corollary of a series of human and material reinforcements that will translate into a reinforcement of resources operations used by the uniformed police in their tasks against crime.

This was highlighted by the head of the Xma. Police Zone (s), Colonel Fernando Fajardo, who recalled that “the signals that are being given are very clear. Those who accompany us are carabineros who come to swell the crew of Puerto Varas, Frutillar and Llanquihue, to face the different demands and security needs that we are going to have to face during this summer”.

In this sense, he recalled that during the year 2022, at the regional level, Carabineros received 75 vehicles, 22 of them last December. They will be joined, also for the region, by 86 officials of the “Safe Summer” Plan who will come from other areas of the country. In addition, the Police units of the Province of Llanquihue will receive 44 newly graduated police officers this week from the Training School of the Puerto Montt Group. “It is a very important milestone that comes to make up for relevant shortcomings in terms of endowments,” he warned.

The regional presidential delegate, Giovanna Moreira, explained that with these measures “what we are looking for is to start this summer season safely, it is to have a safe summer with the work of our police on the ground, increasing patrolling. As the government of President Gabriel Boric, what we seek is to restore security to the neighborhoods”.

The authority added that this commitment is not only reflected in the delivery of 22 vehicles recently, but also “in the 2023 budget, which will allow us to increase the budget and that we can strengthen the operational capabilities of our police forces and thus deliver greater resources than they had.

For his part, the mayor of Puerto Varas thanked the delivery of three police vehicles to his commune, which will serve to respond to the demands of the citizens and the increase in the floating population of the commune, which he expects to receive this summer. about 100 thousand people. “It reflects a country decision to build safer cities. We are in a complex moment, but this moment is faced with unity, ”he stressed.

This week the launching of the same “Safe Summer” Plan will take place in the Prefectures of Osorno and Chiloé.

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