In Rimini Jamil Sadegholvaad (Pd) won: he is the first new generation mayor elected in a capital. “Don’t judge me by name”

by time news

Iranian father and mother from Romagna, Jamil Sadegholvaad he is the first mayor of foreign origin elected in the capital in Italy: 49 years old, with a degree in political science, he started working in his father’s Persian carpet shop. Among the first to join the Democratic party, was provincial councilor and then holder of Security from 2011 to 2021 in the Municipality with the outgoing dem Andrea Gnassi. “I have a strange name, but I think the Rimini people know me by now,” said Sadegholvaad immediately after winning the first round with 51.32% of the votes. “And even if I believe that integration is a fundamental piece of the Italy of the future, I don’t want to become the symbol of anything. I want to be judged for what I will be able to do for Rimini or not, and not so much for the more or less strange name or surname ”.

It was Sadegholvaad’s candidacy that caused a lot of discussion on the left: it was Gnassi, outgoing mayor and very close to President Bonaccini, who sealed the race for the outgoing councilor. He not only beaten the center-right candidate Enzo Ceccarelli, but also the former deputy mayor Gloria Lisi which also ran supported by the M5s. “The Rimini political formula”, said Jamil Sadegholvaad, “can also be an example for the upcoming electoral challenges that will take place in the next year where there is clearly a Democratic Party that is the pivot of the coalition, together with the forces of the left, but where is it civicism must necessarily be strongly represented, because otherwise the elections are not won ”.

The new mayor aims to close the junta quickly and thinks of nine names, half of which are women and some reconfirmations from the previous council. In Rimini the alliance with the 5 Star Movement. “The representatives of the 5-star Movement in Rimini – he commented, have not been able to read the situation, they have made an electoral disaster”. The five-star list stopped at 2,45%.

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