In Río Negro the Legislature voted on educational essentiality in a day marked by tension

by time news

Yesterday, the Legislature completed a first step towards Education is considered an “essential strategic service” and, therefore, the obligation to set minimum guards in schools when strikes are called.

In Río Negro the Legislature voted on educational essentiality in a day marked by tension

This project generated the most tense debate of the session, starting from the fact that the Unter protest was simultaneously taking place at the doors of the legislative headquarters. Yesterday, the union began its 48-hour strike, motivated – among other reasons – by this initiative, authored by the PRO and supported by the ruling party.

The concentration of the Unter and the legislative rejection of the entry of the leadership determined moments of struggles between those who tried to enter and the Police who resisted, who It ended with injuries and, also, with repression with pepper spray.

After, The file was approved in the first round by 35 affirmative votes and 11 against. The endorsements were from JSRN, PRO, ARI, UCR, Primero Río Negro and two libertarian legislators (César Domínguez and Santiago Ibarrolaza). Those who rejected them were from the PJ and Vamos con Todos benches, as did Patricia Mc Kidd, from La Libertad Avanza.

With the essentiality, The project implements minimum guards in schools when forceful measures are carried out, contemplating a minimum attendance of 30% when they last “one to two days” and will be 50% when that period is exceeded.

The meeting also included the treatment of Executive initiatives, such as the elimination of fees and tax exemption for the purchase of 0 km vehicles that are intended for work.

Unter completed the first day of the two-day strike this Thursday. In addition, the union leadership announced that it will also stop next Wednesday, October 2, in accompaniment to the university protest.

In the Legislature, the debate on the educational essentiality project opened with the presentation of its author, Juan Martín, from the PRO. He explained that the opening of schools is prioritized since the central objective is the right to learn. and understood that the right to strike is not affected.

He was very critical of the Unter leadership that holds the boys hostage with the strikes and stated that, In Río Negro, in this period, almost three weeks were already lost due to strikes, in the defense of “their privileges.”

The second message was its reverse side and belonged to Magdalena Odarda, from Vamos con Todos. His response focused on question the “smear campaign” against teachers and understood that it is “a war” unleashed by Governor Alberto Weretilneck, who named him as its “intellectual author.” He also aligned this purpose with the measure proposed by President Javier Milei, which presents half a sanction from the Chamber of Deputies.

He questioned that the project is unconstitutional because it violates the right to strike. He also said that the file is “voted by force” and that “incurs institutional violence due to the chosen form”without debate in the community.

JSRN’s position was advanced by Marcela Abdala, questioning the union’s actions for stating that “The only way is to go on strike to improve their salaries” and “this is not how the 180 days of classes are fulfilled.”

The radical Ariel Bernatene proposed reforms to the initiative, among them, that the teacher offer “pedagogical proposals” for recovery when forceful measures are carried out. He defended the right to strike although he understood that unions are “the saboteurs of the system itself”. Later, Lorena Matzen criticized the “punitive nature” of the project and that the teaching process is not guaranteed, although she also advanced the support of the UCR but proposing modifications for the second round.

In turn, legislator Ana Mark, from the PJ, insisted on stopping the session due to the events that were taking place outside between police and teachers. He understood that the seriousness of what had happened forced him to postpone his statements, synthesizing the proposal of essentiality as “pathetic” and that the problem is in the state of the schools.

Odarda directly requested suspend the session and demanded the resignation of the Chief of Police, Mary Carrizo. Martín quickly asked to vote. Then, the president of the ruling party, Facundo López, maintained to continue with the debate while saying that the police response originated from the protesters’ attempt to forcefully enter the Legislature.

Between shouting exchanges, the motions were voted and Pesatti continued with the debate, which was continued by Luciano Delgado, from Vamos con Todos, who reviewed the educational deterioration due to shortcomings in different schools to highlight that educational difficulties happen elsewhere.

Later, Javier Acevedo anticipated that the ARI generally supported even his doubts regarding operation, Therefore, he insisted on corrections.

Of the libertarians, Patricia Mc Kidd advanced her rejection, differentiating herself from her colleagues César Domínguez and Santiago Ibarrolaza, who supported. She spoke of her experience of “35 years in front of the students”, said she was an “enemy of strikes” and considered that The answer cannot be “to pile up the kids” and that this “does not guarantee the teaching process.”

From the PJ bench, Leandro García remarked that the proposal “does not solve any problem” of Education since the difficulty is in the “missing educational financing.” Immediately, Daniel Belloso interpreted that the initiative raises a debate that is not central and that approach demonstrates “ignorance” of the situation.

For his part, the president of the VcT bloc, José Luis Berros, expressed that They want to “hold teachers responsible” of the system’s deficiencies and curtails the right to strike, reiterating that it is unconstitutional.

In these closures, Martín clarified that the initiative addresses an “emergency situation” and does not try to evaluate educational quality. Also in responses to criticism, the president of the PRO He appreciated that the schools opened during the strikes were transformed into “kindergartens”, since “that is better for the children to stay at home.”

Finally, López closed with the official defense, questioning Unter about the “strikes” because they do not accept the absenteeism control system. He explained that heThe priority is the right of children and that the project plans to “guarantee open schools.”

Supports added the project, with votes from JSRN, the PRO, the UCR, the ARI, Primero Río Negro and two libertarian legislators.

An atypical violence questioned by everyone

Moments of great tension were experienced yesterday in front of the legislative headquarters that ended with several protesters and police with minor injuries after the skirmishes that lasted for long minutes.

There was an intervention by opposition legislators to calm things down, after the use of pepper spray by Coer personnel and, Later, rejections came from all sectors.

The teachers, who yesterday completed the first day of the strike that ends today, were not able to enter the premises although inside they spoke of the “house of democracy” and the reasons for keeping entry prohibited were explained.

The head of Unter, Silvana Inostroza, repudiated the violence and maintained that “this government does not guarantee the social right to education” and anticipated that “We are going to take to the streets in every place in the province and we are going to go to each of the events attended by Governor (Alberto) Weretilneck” for “our commitment to public schools.”

With the project already approved in the first round, he assured that There will be a teaching strike on Wednesday, October 2 in coincidence with the measure established by the National Universities.

From the other side the governor Weretilneck questioned Unter’s march because it “crossed all limits of a peaceful protest” and said that the protesters “violently attacked” the police officers.

He anticipated that the Public Prosecutor’s Office “has already initiated the corresponding cases for attacks, resistance, damages and injuries,” following a complaint filed by the Chief of Police.

For the president it was not a demonstration but “a criminal act that we will not tolerate” because “violence is never the way.”

Opposition legislators questioned the police actions, while Minister Fabián Gatti said that “we are a Government willing to dialogue” and “we will not accept this type of situation.”

Moments in which the Police use pepper spray against protesters. Photo: Marcelo Ochoa.

Elimination of fees for procedures and exemptions

With the unanimous support of the body, The Legislature approved the Executive Branch project that eliminates 367 administrative fees, leaving exclusively two areas with some paid procedures: Hydrocarbons and Mining.

The procedures that are currently paid in 13 other organizations – such as Police, Civil Registry, Labor, Livestock, Real Estate and others – become free.

The official justification was made by legislator Lucas Pica, highlighting that With the removal of charges, it seeks to simplify procedures. He specified that the Province stops receiving some 259 million per month while it guarantees the “acquired right” of the staff of four organizations that receive incentives for the collection of those fees, which they will no longer have. He expressed that the mechanism remains to be defined, but he understood that an average could be calculated with the latest settlements to pay the next additional payments, which will be maintained with provincial resources.

Pica defined the measure as a “political shock that has no precedent and implies a paradigm shift,” That is, with some exceptions, the procedures “are free.”

The Peronists Luciano Delgado and Ana Mark valued the purpose although they raised questions in reference to the renunciation of that collection.

«There is something strange here, because on the one hand taxes are eliminated, but “There is a lack of funds for health, education and security”Delgado said.

The libertarian César Domínguez considered that the government is making progress in lowering the pressure after years where “Entrepreneurs suffered from this system that suffocated them with this tangle of fees.” In the same sense, Gabriela Picotti, from the PRO, stressed that the initiative “is in tune with our way of thinking. “Less is more,” he noted.

The radical Lorena Matzen also explained her support and, then, Fernando Frugoni, from the ARI, asked that the regulations advance in the development of a digitalization plan and a remote monitoring program. For his part, the president of JSRN, Facundo López understood to be convinced that This tool for eliminating fees “is what society demands.”

It was also stated that “we want to achieve as quickly as possible that all procedures can be carried out from a cell phone or a computer.”

Cardell swore between chicanes for Gatti’s actions in the Prosecutor’s Office

The session began with the unanimous approval of the appointment of María Dolores Cardell as the new Administrative Investigations Prosecutor to fill the vacancy left by the current Minister of Government, Labor and Tourism, Fabián Gatti.

Cardell was proposed by Governor Alberto Weretilneck after ten years as a member of the province’s Court of Accounts.

Although the appointment of Cardell as head of the FIA ​​was unanimous, it generated the first crossing of the day when legislator Luciano Delgado Sempé (PJ-Nuevo Encuentro) said that “The prosecutor who is leaving was rewarded with a ministry,” in reference to Gattiand pointed out that during his administration “no official was investigated in the Ipross case” and questioned his actions “in the investigation into the purchase of the plane.”

Facundo López (JSRN) told him that “take advantage of this moment to tell lies” and asked that If you have any different evidence, “go to court.”

After ten years in the court of accounts Cardell was sworn into the FIA. Photo: Marcelo Ochoa.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office initiated a case for attack, resistance, damage and injuries during the events recorded this Thursday in front of the Legislature in the provincial capital. The complaint was filed by the Chief of Police, Mary Carmen Carrizo.

2024-09-27 03:05:00

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