in Sloviansk, the evacuation continues in the face of the Russian advance

by time news
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Live hosted by Pierre Bouvier

Cover image: Residents of Sloviansk and neighboring towns are evacuated by bus to the city of Dnipro on July 6, 2022. MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP

  • Russian forces continue to advance, Wednesday, July 6, in the Donbasswhere the inhabitants of Sloviansk, target of Moscow, are called to evacuate because of the intense bombardments. “My main advice: evacuate! »the governor and head of the Donestk regional military administration, Pavlo Kyrylenko, launched Tuesday evening, addressing the inhabitants of the city of Sloviansk, adding that, “during the week, there was not a day without bombardment”.
  • Agence France-Presse journalists saw rockets hit the central market in Sloviansk, where they caused a fire; adjacent streets were also affected. At least two people have died. “Once again, the Russians are intentionally targeting places where civilians congregate. This is terrorism pure and simple”denounced Mr. Kyrylenko.
  • In his address on Monday evening, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyexplained needing “colossal funds” to help the population, to rebuild the towns and infrastructures destroyed by the war, but also to “preparing schools and universities for a new school year” et “getting ready for winter”. Its Prime Minister, Denys Chmyhal, traveling to the Lugano conference, presented a plan “estimated at 750 billion dollars”.
  • The Lugano Conferenceplanned well before Russia invaded Ukraine at the end of February, has been trying, since Monday, to draw the outlines of the rebuilding ukraine. The foundations of a “Marshall Plan” for Ukraine must be laid there, even though there is no end in sight to the war and the cost figures for the country are still uncertain.
  • The Quai d’Orsay will help rebuild Chernihiv Oblastaccording to a statement released on Tuesday: “France, including the State and local authorities, will focus its reconstruction efforts in particular on the Chernihiv region, which was hard hit by Russian bombardments during the first weeks of the war. The city of Chernihiv has established ancient ties with France. »
  • The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces announced on Sunday evening its withdrawal from the city of Lysychanskat the heart of fierce fighting in recent weeks, acknowledging the “superiority” Russian troops on the ground. Russia announced, for its part, the “Liberation of the ‘Luhansk People’s Republic'”.
  • A Siversk, about twenty kilometers west of Lyssytchansk, the Ukrainian forces seem to want to rely on a line of defense established between this city and Bakhmout, in order to protect Sloviansk and Kramatorsk. The inhabitants evoke increasingly intense bombings in recent days.

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Read all our articles, analyzes and reports on the war in Ukraine

Reportage. In Ukraine, war rages in the sky of Donbass

Podcast. Chernobyl: thirty-five days under occupation by the Russian army

Analyse. War in Ukraine: in Lugano, a summit to build the aftermath, while the destruction continues

Maintenance. “We have crossed the threshold of 100,000 Ukrainians welcomed in France”, announces Joseph Zimet

Decryptions. War in Ukraine: “The initial objective was and probably remains for the Kremlin to install a pro-Moscow power in kyiv”

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Testimonials. “My graphic designer girlfriend designed dog tags with military names and blood types. So that they are identified if they die and cared for if they are injured”

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