In Spain, haro on animals in the parades of the Three Kings

by time news
A man dressed as Melchior, one of the Three Kings, before the Epiphany parade in Ronda, southern Spain, January 3, 2023. JON NAZCA / REUTERS

The processions that parade through the country on the occasion of the Epiphany do not meet with consensus. The presence of animals is pointed out there.

«The kings have come!» [en français, «les rois sont venus !»]. This cry resounded Thursday, January 5 in the morning in the Spanish towns and villages. In Spain, the procession of the Three Kings has been a veritable institution since 1885. On January 5 and 6, Melchior, Gaspard and Balthazar go to Spanish homes to distribute sweets and cakes to good children, thus closing the period of the festivities.

The colorful procession is traditionally framed by diverse and varied animals: horses, camels and even sometimes elephants can accompany the march of the kings. A use nevertheless questioned by supporters of animal welfare, who criticize the deplorable impact of these forced marches for animals.

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“Nothing to do with their natural environment”

«These animals are raised in spaces that have nothing to do with their natural environmentdenounced Rubén Perez, spokesperson for the Franz Weber foundation to France Info Thursday, January 5. And wild animals should not live in captivity. The use of animals during parades is completely anachronistic and this is demonstrated by many municipalities which renounce it.»

Critics who attract controversy on this “cabalgate», this march of kings, which for hundreds of years has drawn Spanish and foreign crowds to the streets. A tradition defended by the mayor of Ourense, a city in northwestern Spain, which will welcome 300 participants, several animals including reindeer and… camels.

«You know nothing about it! scolded the association, in remarks reported by France Info. A parade with camels implies no animal abuse. Camels do nothing but their natural movements“. contacted by Figaro, the mayor was not available to respond to our requests.

«The procession will take place with the utmost respect for the animals that will walk with the extras.“, However, assures a representative of the town hall of Ourense, who adds in particular that the three dromedaries present on the spot will be properly taken care of: “They will be watched so that they do not suffer any suffering, these processions are very regulated».

Fight against abuse

And to explain thatif it was bad for the animals, the government would ban these processions. He doesn’t, and we’re well within the law.” Waiting, “the dromedaries present make the joy of the children on the spot!»

This controversy takes place within the framework of a Spanish government led by Pedro Sanchez, at the forefront of the fight against animal violence. A bill aimed at combating the abuse, abandonment and killing of animals was notably adopted in February 2022.

SEE ALSO – Everything you need to know about Epiphany

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