In Terni “Winter Writings”. Part UmbriaLibri 2023

by time news

2023-12-01 09:48:35 – One year after the success of the 2022 edition, UmbriaLibri returns to Terni from 1st to 3rd December with “Winter Writings”. Anticipated by Aldo Cazzullo’s presentation of his ‘When we were the masters of the world. Rome: the infinite empire’, held on 30 November at the Municipal Library, the cultural event of the Umbria Region, organized by Sviluppumbria with the artistic direction of Angelo Mellone, will peacefully invade Terni for three days with an embellished program of attractive events by guests such as Maurizio De Giovanni, Veronica Pivetti, Marco Damilano, Costantino D’Orazio, Gigliola Cinquetti, Matthew Lee, Andrea Perroni, Massimiliano Ossini, Pierluigi Diaco, Fausto Brizzi, Daniela and Luca Sardella, Federico Palmaroli Osho and Monica Setta.

The literary events will be followed by evenings of music and words, for a party lasting the whole day and built to create a constant flow of meetings capable of accompanying the public throughout the weekend.

The debut day of the event will see, among others, take to the stage Massimiliano Ossini at 5.30 pm at the Municipal Library for the presentation of the book Amico e Veronica Pivetti, at 6.30pm, with his Rosa. In the blue room of Palazzo Gazzoli, at 9.30 pm, the first day of UmbriaLibri will close with Matthew Lee’s concert, with free admission and reservations required.

Saturday 2 December at 12.00 in the Candelori room of Palazzo Montani Leoni the presentation of the exhibition ‘Discovering Love’ is scheduled. Preview of the exhibition on love in art curated by Costantino D’Orazio. At 5.00 pm at the Municipal Library Angelo Mellone will interview Pierluigi Diaco, while at 6.00 pm Daisy Goodwin, for the centenary of the birth of Maria Callas, will present the book Diva. Following this, again at the Municipal Library, Fausto Brizzi will talk about ‘We are written in pencil’. Closing at the Secci Theatre, at 9.30pm, with ‘In fin dei conti… la end del mondo’, two shows in one with Andrea Perroni and Angelo Mellone.

Sunday 3 December at 11.00 at the Municipal Library Daniela and Luca Sardella will present the book ‘A plant for a friend’, while at 12.00 it will be Federico Palmaroli Osho’s turn with ‘Is the fist done with the right or with the left? Splendors and (miseries) of an Italian year’.At 3.45pm, again at the Municipal Library, Marco Damilano will talk about his ‘My little homeland’, followed at 4.30pm by Fabrizio Roncone with ‘The power to kill’ and at 5.15pm by Maurizio De Giovanni with ‘Soledad. A December of Commissioner Ricciardi’. At 6.00 pm it will be the turn of Monica Satta and Figli imperfetti. The strength and fragility of Generation Z, followed at 6.45pm by Gigliola Cinquetti’s presentation of her ‘A Sometimes You Dream’, with which the curtain will lower on UmbriaLibri 2023.

Busy calendar of events also for the section workshops of the event, in collaboration with the Center for books and reading and the Terni Municipal Library. Among these, on Friday 1 December, at the “Caffè Letterario”, from 9.30 to 11.30, the meeting with Pierdomenico Baccalario, author of novels and short stories for children translated all over the world and winner of the “Il Battello a Vapore” award. Also on Friday, from 9.00 to 13.00 in the Videoconference room, Creative Writing: the hero’s journey, a workshop curated by Manlio Castagna based on the studies of Joseph Campbell and Christopher Vogler, in which the narrative model, known as the hero’s journey , is explained in a structural way to write a quality novel.

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#Terni #Winter #Writings #Part #UmbriaLibri

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