In the city of refuge: Two weddings for refugees were held

by time news
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Escape from Ukraine on Thursday: Hundreds of Jews who fled from the various cities in Ukraine were warmly received in the neighboring country of Ukraine – Moldova.

Tonight (Sunday) the rabbi of Chisinau – the capital of Moldova, Rabbi Pinchas Salzman, held two weddings for two pairs of Ukrainian refugees who fled the war.

Those who attended the exciting weddings were members of the Rescue Union delegation who arrived in Kishinev today to help with the hundreds of refugees who landed there.

Yossi Klatzky, a representative of the logistics headquarters of the Rescue Union and a member of the delegation, is honored with seven blessings, along with medic Yehiel Gurfein and other members of the delegation who were honored.

“We went on a long journey to get here and help the refugees,” Klatzky said excitedly. “And we found ourselves among Jews who were so happy to see that we came for them from Israel.” Gurfein added: “I think this is also part of our mission. To mention that all of Israel are guarantors of each other and we are all brothers. The honor was all ours to make happy brides and grooms happy on their happy day.”

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