In the country – ‘Chiang Mai Police Station’ warns to be careful of ‘dengue fever’, found 653 cases

by time news

Tuesday, 19 July 2022, 6:39 p.m.

Chiang Mai Provincial Health Office warns of dengue fever, 653 confirmed cases

19 July 2022, Dr. Waranyu Chamnongprasartporn, Deputy Medical Director of Chiang Mai Province, said that dengue fever is an endemic disease that is an important public health problem in Thailand and Chiang Mai. Solving the problem of dengue fever requires cooperation from all sectors. Especially people and places to help destroy the breeding grounds of Aedes mosquito larvae with measures 3 to prevent 3 diseases, which the World Health Organization (WHO) has information that dengue fever has increased incidence worldwide. In the last decade, 70% of people at risk of dengue were in Asia. Dengue fever is a disease that spreads throughout the year. The highest outbreak was found during the rainy season. From the forecast of the situation, it was found that in 2022, there will be more patients than last year, because in 2021 there are relatively few outbreaks and the epidemic nature of dengue fever will be an annual epidemic or every 2 years by high-risk groups. The risk of death is the elderly, people with chronic diseases. and those who are overweight

from the surveillance of the Communicable Disease Control Group Chiang Mai Province Dengue fever situation in 2022 from January 1 – July 17, 2022 found 653 cases, no deaths. The age group that found the most cases was working age 25-34 years and 35-44 years, followed by students aged 15-24 years, respectively. The first 5 provinces with the highest morbidity rate per 100,000 population were Wiang Haeng, Chiang Dao, Phrao Hod and Omkoi, respectively, and began to have more patients in Chiang Mai Municipality. and Muang District

“It is expected that in the next period (July-August 2022) there will be an increase in dengue cases. due to rain in many areas causing water to stagnate in various containers It is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. and high-risk groups, especially school-aged children Stay at home during the holidays There is a chance of being bitten by mosquitoes during the day,” said Dr. Waranyu.

Dr. Waranyu said that he asked the community and various departments including parents Help to eliminate the source of mosquito breeding in the community and around the house by emphasizing the measures “3 keep, prevent 3 diseases, namely 1) Keep the house clean. There is no dense area for mosquitoes to stay on the island. 2) Collect garbage around the house. Keep the waste containers that you want to leave in a black bag to tie the bag. and dispose of them in the trash. so as not to be a breeding ground for mosquitoes; and 3) water storage, water containers for consumption The lid must be completely closed. Wash unused containers upside down. and change the water in the pots or vases weekly. Put sand to get rid of larvae or let fish eat larvae in a container that can’t be closed. Prevent Aedes from laying eggs. and focus on preventing mosquito bites by applying mosquito repellent and sleeping in mosquito nets” which can prevent 3 diseases: 1. Dengue fever 2. Zika virus infection 3. Aedes arthritis or Chikungunya.

The Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office recommends that if your child or family member has a high fever. Avoid buying oral medications yourself. If necessary, use paracetamol. Do not use N-Side drugs such as ibruprofen, aspirin, or diclofinac pain relievers. because if a fever from dengue This group of drugs may have the effect of increasing bleeding. not getting better You should seek medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment. For more information, you can contact the hotline 1422 or any public health facility near your home.


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