in the country – preparing to produce a combination vaccine fight the global virus extracted from 3 types of germs

by time news

fight the global virus

extracted from 3 types of germs


Medical Genome Center revealed. Results in a laboratory at the University of Glasgow, England, that have been studying a hybrid virus. It is a mix between the coronavirus and influenza. The symptoms may be more severe than any one virus infection. Major vaccine manufacturers have accelerated the production of a combination vaccine from the coviral-influenza-RSV virus by injecting a single dose for young children and the elderly. Preventing respiratory diseases from all viruses D-Day begins Phase One human research at the end of 2022.

On October 27, reporters reported that Medical Genome Center Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University The Facebook post states that the tracking of the development of the virus. Worried about hybrid viruses? caused by the merger between two types of virus particles, the RSV virus and influenza virus together It was found that it was able to evade the immune system of influenza virus well.

This is due to a research team from the University of Glasgow. In England, two types of viruses were tested: RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and influenza viruses which are both RNA viruses were cultured together with lung cells cultured in vitro. It appears that instead of both types of viruses competing to infiltrate the cell, there is no chance for another type of virus to follow. For example, in the case of the coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19, the RSV and influenza virus particle walls were found to be fused with separate genomes. became a new type of hybrid virus.

The Genome Center also stated that From in vitro testing, it was found A hybrid between RSV and influenza viruses. Access to a wider range of target cells The influenza virus originally infects the upper respiratory tract, such as the cells of the nose, throat and trachea, while the RSV virus invades the lower respiratory tract. bronchial and lung cells It is the leading cause of pneumonia in young children and the elderly. This leads to hospitalizations and thousands of deaths each year. But the in vitro hybrid virus, if it spreads in humans, is thought to infect the nose, throat, trachea and lungs, making it more likely that a person infected with a hybrid virus is more severe than RSV or any influenza virus. one and hybrid viruses can infect neighboring cells. Even the area has antibodies to the influenza virus. This usually prevents influenza virus infection from entering the cells. However, don’t panic. Because we only found the hybrid virus in the University of Glasgow lab. There have not been any reports of this hybrid virus causing human disease.

Major vaccine companies are also ramping up production of a combined mRNA vaccine against the coronavirus. 2019-Influenza-RSV virus in a single injection given to young children and the elderly to prevent viral respiratory infections. Clinical Trial phase I will begin at the end of 2022. Preliminary animal data show that it can induce a highly satisfactory immune response to all three types of viruses at the same time. It is expected to prevent infection with the coronavirus hybrid virus. 2019-influenza-RSV virus is also possible. Therefore, hybrid viral outbreaks, if occurring in the future, may be difficult to transmit in children who have received the combined vaccine during the coronavirus. 2019-influenza virus-RSV virus

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teera Woratanarat, Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Post on Facebook about the situation of Covid-19 daily that so far the world has infected 298,286 more people with 896 more deaths, totaling 634,066,329 cumulative infections and 6,587,042 deaths, of which the top 5 The most infected are Japan, France, South Korea, Taiwan and Italy. Meanwhile, progress on COVID-19 tracking has been reported. The World Health Organization (WHO) also published the WHO Weekly Epidemiological Update on October 26, identifying the COVID-19 virus. The omikron species still dominate the global epidemic. Up to 99.7% of these were detected. Currently, 390 subspecies of omicron have been sprouted, of which 48 subspecies have been crossed to form a recombinant BA strain. 5 is also found in a high proportion of 77.1%, BA.4 5.4%, BA.2 4.3%.

For the XBB subspecies that are very resistant to immunity. It has been found to be distributed in 35 countries around the world. While the BQ.1.x subspecies have spread to 65 countries, the important thing is that the resulting subspecies, BA.2, BA.4, and BA.5, have mutated in the cortical spines of the BQ.1.x. Virus (Spike) at the location of many identical amino acids. Identical mutations of each subspecies that are not direct descendants. Indicates that the virus has evolved in the same direction (convergent evolution) must be closely monitored. as it may affect the performance of the virus.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teera said that The current situation of COVID-19 in Thailand There are still continual infections around them. People should be careful Protect yourself regularly during everyday life.

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