“In the first quarter there has been an improvement in the affiliation of the self-employed”

by time news

Borja Suárez, Secretary of State for Social Security and Pensions, has assured that in the first quarter of 2023 “a slow but progressive improvement” has been observed in the affiliation of self-employed workers to Social Security, after the “slowdown and fall » in the second part of 2022.

“With this positive trend, everything seems to indicate that in the coming months we should consolidate this level of affiliation in the self-employed regime at an important moment, in the first year that the new regime is launched (in force since January)” Suárez said at the press conference to present the unemployment and affiliation data.

The Self-Employed Regime (RETA) added 11,185 affiliates to its ranks (+0.3%) in March 2023, which placed the total number of self-employed contributors at 3,322,236, according to data from the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations.

The Secretary of State has admitted that the evolution of RETA affiliation in this first quarter of 2023 “has been slow but progressive”, and has specified that it is “practically at the same level as last year”.

In addition, he has insisted that the annual comparison is positive, except in the special agricultural system, “an activity sector that has been losing weight and is being replaced by other sectors with greater dynamism.”

Suárez also recalled that this is the first year with the new RETA, which, except for specific incidents, has landed “in a peaceful and smooth way”, with conditions of “improving the quality of employment”.

For his part, the Secretary of State for Employment and Social Economy, Joaquín Pérez Rey, has indicated that the Labor Inspectorate surfaced in 2022 “more than 39,000 false self-employed workers”, which translates into the incorporation of “almost 40,000 workers into the regime of the Social Security as a consequence of the abusive use of the self-employed formula”.

Pérez Rey has also commented that the Ministry of Labor is promoting individual and collective entrepreneurship policies through the social economy, so that it is “guarantee, advised and with elements of viability.”

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