In the footsteps of Dante with the women of comedy: from Beatrice to Matelda: special itineraries in Florence

by time news

This time in the “foreground” there is not only Dante but there are the women he has told and who have been part of his life. They are Beatrice Portinari, Gemma and Piccarda Donati, Francesca da Rimini, and Matelda; interpreting them are Caterina Zaru, Vittoria Pacini, Costanza Zaru, Giorgia Stornanti and Elisa Paoli. They are «Le Donne della Commedia» who, after having made their debut on the day of Monday, tomorrow and Sunday will be back on the streets of Florence full of stories.

The project was born from an idea of ​​Antigonart in collaboration with the Trame di Cultura cooperative, and the associations Amici di Dante in Casentino, Amici dell’Asino and the Unione Fiorentina – Dante’s House Museum. As the five girls tell, “our tour starts right from Dante’s House and continues in the Dante district, that is the one where once there were the Alighieri houses, now transformed, but of which you can still see some tower houses”. From the street that takes its name from the Florentine poet, we move towards the Church of Santa Maria dei Cerchi open for the occasion, to then continue towards Piazza della Signoria, Borgo dei Greci and finally to reach Santa Croce “not only because there you can admire the frowning statue of the great poet but also because the Franciscan basilica, which houses his cenotaph, was central to his theological and philosophical studies, then poured into the Comedy ». No Virgil like Cicero, but Matelda, a tour guide who is also a professional tour guide who, in dialogue with each woman, allows them to introduce Dante but also to present themselves in short theatrical pieces: “Gemma, his wife, for example, tells of the pain of never being remembered because of the most beautiful and saving Beatrice whom, along the way, we meet twice, first as a young man, in which she tells us about her earthly life of comforts and riches and then as an adult, which illustrates her heavenly life “. But another important figure is Piccarda Donati, torn from the Convent of the Poor Clares by her brother Corso, belonging to the black Guelphs, only to be strategically linked with her in marriage ».

The stories and anecdotes told by the “Women of Comedy” can be fascinating even for the little ones and in fact, for tomorrow a treasure hunt has been organized, again in the Dante area, in which the clues, obviously in rhyme, must be carefully deciphered in order to discover the hidden treasure: “In this way, children become passionate about topics that then they will face off at school and maybe so they will have a funny memory ».

For more information, you can write to the email address [email protected]. However, not only Florence, Mugello and Casentino are also important places for Dante for which the girls have prepared new shows with new characters. “We would also like to do guided tours by candlelight or even by moonlight” so that the public can then go out and see the stars again.


April 23, 2021 | 12:00 pm



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