In the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw: painful findings were discovered in the excavations

by time news

A team of archaeologists who are engaged in uncovering cellars and bunkers in the Jewish ghetto area of ​​Warsaw have uncovered finds that are both exciting and painful, including children’s shoes and pages from holy books written in the holy language, tractates about the Shas and even a Pentateuch in the wilderness, candlesticks that were probably used to light Shabbat candles, a Seder bowl and a pair of tefillin | Our inheritance was for her”

Painful findings, 77 years after the Holocaust. Archaeologists who began excavating last month in the area where the Jewish ghetto was located in Warsaw during World War II, have uncovered in recent days a number of finds that were apparently used by the Jews who were imprisoned in the ghetto.

This is a project to uncover basements and bunkers where Jews hid during World War II, and now painful findings are being revealed that tell the story of the Jews who hid there. Among the findings that were uncovered was a leather shoe that apparently belonged to a 10-year-old Jewish boy, pages from various books in Hebrew and Polish, and various table items.

According to the report in Poland, the end of a child’s shoe was discovered, and later another smaller shoe was discovered that was probably used by one of the babies or a young Jewish boy. A large part of the findings found during the excavations, which took place at 18 Mila Street where the headquarters and bunker of the Jewish militant organization was located and in the streets surrounding it, included documentation written by the Jews of the ghetto about what was happening there every day as well as a pair of tefillin that the ravages of time had left their marks on and more.

The chief rabbi of Poland, Rabbi Michael Yosef Shudrich, told the newspaper ‘Yeded Na’aman’ that it was a project to uncover basements in residential buildings and bunkers in the ghetto, when the researchers recently found dozens of new and fascinating testimonies. “In addition to the tefillin that were published, I can share with you information that has not yet been revealed, because volumes of the Gemara and even a Chomash were also found in the desert and recent books on the passages we read these weeks were found in one of the basements. The researchers even found a bowl that they believe was used as a Seder bowl because of the reliefs that decorate the plate “.

“The books were transferred to a special laboratory specializing in the restoration and preservation of ancient books, and these will later be presented to the public as a sign and testimony to the Jewish embers that continued to burn beneath the surface even in the inferno of the Warsaw ghetto.”

Rabbi Shudrich says that in recent days the community celebrated the circumcision of a Jewish refugee from Kharkiv, who, only now approaching the age of her own, agreed to face himself and with a clear opinion, he stood up and asked to enter into the covenant of Abraham our father.

According to the rabbi of Poland, “It was a day after the circumcision of a priest baby, there has been no priest in the community for decades. Recently a Jewish couple got married, the father is Israeli and the mother is from Poland, and now they have a son and thus he is the first priest born in the community in decades, as mentioned, and the community counts the The days until he becomes bar mitzvah. In 12 years, 11 months and three weeks we will have our own bar mitzvah priest.”

Jacek Konik, a Polish archaeologist who also serves as a historian at the Warsaw Ghetto Museum and led the team of archaeologists, told about the chilling findings and said that the researchers hope to discover with their help how the Jews of the ghetto conducted their daily lives.

“This is a unique place because of the history that took place here in 1943. Here the soldiers of the Jewish organization were probably killed when they were surrounded by the Germans. Only a small group of people survived. It is a symbol of this place and of all the tragedy that happened here, also in the Warsaw ghetto in 1943 and then in all Warsaw in 1944. A symbol of all the children that someone didn’t allow them to grow up,” Konik said.

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